ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Volume 71, Number 2 / 2017, Pages 177 – 533

Trends in science and applications of conducting polymers: topical issue 177 177
Jaroslav Stejskal and Patrycja Bober
Pickering emulsion-polymerized conducting polymer nanocomposites and their applications 179 188
Shang Hao Piao, Chun Yan Gao, and Hyoung Jin Choi
Conducting polyaniline/nano-zinc phosphate composite as a pigment for corrosion protection of low-carbon steel 189 197
Pravin P. Deshpande, Abhijit A. Bhopale, Vandana A. Mooss, and Anjali A. Athawale
Enzymatic oligomerization and polymerization of arylamines: state of the art and perspectives 199 242
Gordana Ćirić-Marjanović, Maja Milojević-Rakić, Aleksandra Janošević-Ležaić, Sandra Luginbühl, and Peter Walde
Triphenylamine-based electroactive compounds: synthesis, properties and application to organic electronics 243 268
Renata Rybakiewicz, Malgorzata Zagorska, and Adam Pron
Conducting polymer hydrogels 269 291
Jaroslav Stejskal
Polypyrrole composites with carbon materials for supercapacitors 293 316
Jingping Wang, Xiao Li, Xianfeng Du, Jie Wang, Hongrui Ma, and Xinli Jing
Polyaniline/montmorillonite nanocomposite thin layers deposited on different substrates 317 327
Lenka Kulhánková, Jonáš Tokarský, Petra Vilímová, Pavlína Peikertová, and Oldřich Motyka
Partially sulfonated polyaniline: conductivity and spectroscopic study 329 338
Michal Bláha, Anna Suchánková, Elizaveta Watzlová, Jan Prokeš, and Ognen Pop-Georgievski
Electroless deposition of silver on poly(3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene): role of the organic ions used in the course of electrochemical synthesis 339 346
Vasilena Karabozhikova and Vessela Tsakova
New microbial-friendly polyaniline nanoparticles on the base of nitrilotriacetic acid: comparison with PANI prepared by standard techniques 347 357
Martina Vyoralová, Roman Slavík, Markéta Julinová, and Jarmila Vilčáková
Poly(4-amino-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole) films: preparation, characterization and applications 359 366
Gabriela Broncová, Tatiana V. Shishkanova, Marcela Dendisová, Martin Člupek, David Kubáč, and Pavel Matějka
Cytotoxicity of poly(p-phenylenediamine) 367 372
Zdenka Kuceková, Petra Rejmontová, Petr Humpolíček, Věra Kašpárková, Patrycja Bober, Petr Sáha, and Jaroslav Stejskal
Solid-state NMR and FTIR investigations of standard and nanotubular polyanilines 373 378
Zoran D. Zujovic
Raman study of PANI thin film during long time period in dependence on storage conditions 379 385
Pavlína Peikertová, Lenka Kulhánková, Lucie Neuwirthová, and Jonáš Tokarský
Explosive hazards in polyaniline chemistry 387 392
Jaroslav Stejskal, Patrycja Bober, Miroslava Trchová, and Jan Prokeš
Effect of water release on thermal properties of polyaniline 393 400
Alexandra Rudajevová, Jan Prokeš, and Martin Varga
Poly(3-hexylthiophene)/gold nanoparticle nanocomposites: relationship between morphology and electrical conductivity 401 408
Bartosz Paruzel, Ewa Pavlova, Jiří Pfleger, Miroslav Šlouf, Klara Halašová, and Šárka Mikmeková
Enhancing corrosion resistance of zinc-filled protective coatings using conductive polymers 409 421
Miroslav Kohl, Andréa Kalendová, and Eva Schmidová
Assessment of the properties of diethyl phosphite as a novel anticorrosion pigment in organic coatings 423 438
Kateřina Nechvílová, Andréa Kalendová, Eva Schmidová, and Patrycja Bober
Anticorrosion and physical properties of organic coatings containing perovskites surface modified by polyaniline or polypyrrole phosphates 439 448
Tereza Hájková, Andréa Kalendová, and Miroslav Kohl
Raman spectroelectrochemical study of electrodeposited polyaniline doped with polymeric sulfonic acids of different structures 449 458
Alexander A. Nekrasov, Oxana L. Gribkova, Olga D. Iakobson, Ivan N. Ardabievskii, Victor F. Ivanov, and Anatoly V. Vannikov
Conducting polyaniline nanocomposite-based paints for corrosion protection of steel 459 487
Dimitra Sazou and Pravin P. Deshpande
Influence of surface properties on the deposition of a polyaniline film and detection of tumor markers 489 494
Tatiana V. Shishkanová, Klára Řezanková, and Pavel Řezanka
Conducting polymers as sorbents of influenza viruses 495 503
Valeria T. Ivanova, Ekaterina O. Garina, Elena I. Burtseva, Elena S. Kirillova, Marina V. Ivanova, Jaroslav Stejskal, and Irina Yu. Sapurina
Formation of bacterial and fungal biofilm on conducting polyaniline 505 512
Nikola Mikušová, Petr Humpolíček, Jan Růžička, Zdenka Capáková, Kristýna Janů, Věra Kašpárková, Patrycja Bober, Jaroslav Stejskal, Marek Koutný, Katerina Filatová, Marián Lehocký, and Petr Ponížil
Electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution in acidic media using electrodeposited Ag/PPy and Ni/PPy hybrid materials 513 523
Mária Sabalová, Renáta Oriňaková, Andrej Oriňak, Ivana Smoradová, Miriam Kupková, and Magdaléna Strečková
Structural, optical, electrical, and thermal properties of PANI/[Co(NH3)2(C2H8N2)2]Cl3 nanocomposite 525 533
Waseem Naqash and Kowsar Majid

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