ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Construction and Structure of Coordination Polymers Based on Tetrahedral Cu4OBr6 Centres Linked by Pyrazine
G. Ondrejovič, A. Broškovičová, and A. Kotočová
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Technology,
Slovak University of Technology, SK-812 37 Bratislava
Abstract: A model of 1D-, 2D-, and 3D-frameworks constructed of tetrahedral centres linked by rod-like ligands according to the regularities given by diamond and lonsdaleite lattices has been developed. The composition of the SD-framework polymer is expressed by the formula Ochs b[2chs-0.5(ch+cs)-hs] t[c(h+s)+2hs], where c, h, and s represent the numbers of the tetrahedral centres O in three different dimensions of the SD-framework, b and t denote the relative amounts of bridging and terminal rod-like ligands, respectively. For related sheet and chain polymers the formulas Och b[1.5ch-0.5c-h] t[ch+c+2h] and Oc b[c-1] t[2c+2] have been derived, respectively. The formulas have been applied to a series of synthesized Cu4OBr6(pyz)p (p = 2.25-3.95) complexes in order to describe their structure. The complex with the value of p = 3.17 consists of chains comprising about 6 linked tetrahedral Cu4OBr6 centres. The values of p = 3.04 and 2.90 correspond to sheet structures with 9 and 16 linked centres, respectively. The structures of the complexes with p = 2.41 and 2.25 consist of 3D-frameworks. For the former complex 124 and for the latter one 503 linked tetrahedral Cu4OBr6 centres have been estimated.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 541a6.pdf
Chemical Papers 54 (1) 6–11 (2000)