ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Electroreduction of oxime of glycolaldehyde and of its O-methyl derivative
M. Fedoroňko, M. Petrušová, and J. Alföldi
Institute of Chemistry, Centre for Chemical Research,
Slovak Academy of Sciences, CS-842 38 Bratislava
Abstract: The reaction of glycolaldehyde and of its О-methyl derivative with
hydroxylamine has been studied and the polarographie behaviour of the
resulting oximes in aqueous buffer solutions has been analyzed. Both polarographie waves of reduction of the oximes were found to be dependent
on the ratio of the reactants, pH value of the medium, and concentration of
buffers. Preparative electroreduction of the oximes studied has been performed under potentiostatic and pH-static conditions. On the basis of the
polarographie data, course of preparative electroreductions of both oximes,
and the products obtained the mechanisms of the respective chemical and
electrochemical reactions have been suggested.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 423a381.pdf
Chemical Papers 42 (3) 381–388 (1988)