ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Novel Optimization Approaches for Targeting Heat Exchanger Networks
J. M. Jeźowski, H. K. Shethna, F. J. L. Castillo, and A. Jeźowska
Department of Chemical Engineering and Process Control, Rzeszów University of Technology, PL-35 959 Rzeszów
E-mail: ichjj@prz.rzeszow.pl
Received: 2 March 2001
Abstract: The work deals with recent developments in heat exchanger networks (HENs) targeting. The following issues were addressed: minimum utility cost calculation by generalized transshipment model for nonpoint utilities; targeting approach for minimum area of counter-current (1-1) and multipass (1-2) heat exchangers; and minimization of number of matches at targeting stage by generation of near-balanced subsets of streams. These problems have been solved using novel optimization models. A description of the methods and some examples of applications are given.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 556a369.pdf
Chemical Papers 55 (6) 369–375 (2001)