ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Study of the octadecylammonium-montmorillonite system
H. Slosiariková, B. Číčel, and J. Hronský
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Komenský University, CS-842 15 Bratislava
Abstract: The reaction of octadecylammonium (ODA) with montmorillonite gives
successively rise to one-layer (|1|αII) and two-layer (|2| αII) complexes with ODA
chains oriented parallelly with the surface of layer 2:1 and one-layer (|1|α⊥)
and two-layer (|2| α⊥) complexes with ODA chains orientated under an angle
exceeding 50° with respect to the surface of layer 2:1 . These complexes come
into existence in the Na-, Mg-, Ca-, Cu-, Co-, and (Ca, Mg)-forms of
montmorillonite. The proceeding reaction exhibits, to a certain extent, both
character of ion exchange and ODA sorption in the interlayer space. The
|2| αII → |1|α⊥ . transitions are at 0.8—1.0 mmol g-1 ODA for all forms while
the |1|α⊥→ |2| α⊥ transitions are to be observed at 1.7—2.0 mmol g-1 ODA
sorbed on the sample. The start of two-layer complex |2| α⊥ formation is
accompanied by an increase in hydrophility of montmorillonite. As for the Cu-
and Co-form of montmorillonite, it is supposed that the complexes of octadecylamine with Cu2+ and Co2+ are formed in the interlayer space. The presence of ODA in the interlayer space brings about changes in bonding
within the structure of montmorillonite.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 405a585.pdf
Chemical Papers 40 (5) 585–594 (1986)