ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Preparation and c-13 nmr-spectra of some disaccharide glycosylmethylamines
L. Petruš, J. Alföldi, M. Matulová, and V. Bílik
Institute of Chemistry, Centre for Chemical Research,
Slovak Academy of Sciences, CS-842 38 Bratislava
Abstract: Reduction of 0-lactosylnitromethane, j3-cellobiosylnitrome thane, and
ß-maltosylnitromethane with ferrous hydroxide in situ afforded jS-lactosyl-
methylamine, 0-cellobiosylmethylamine, and 0-maltosylmethylamine. In the
prepared derivatives the primary amino group, in comparison to the primary
hydroxyl group, causes a shift of the 13C NMIR signal of the a-carbon towards
higher values of magnetic field. The primary nitro group in the nitro-precursors
exhibits an opposite effect. The INEPT pulse technique was used to assign the
signals of the nitromethyl carbon atoms.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 393a401.pdf
Chemical Papers 39 (3) 401–406 (1985)