ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Crystal and molecular structure of the tetrahydrate of hexaaquanickel(II) S*,S*)-ethylenediaminedisuccinatonickelate(II)
J. Soldánová, F. Pavelčík, J. Majer, and J. Garaj
Department oř Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Komenský University, CS-832 32 Bratislava
Abstract: Crystals of Ni2 ((S*, S*)-EDDS) • 10H2O are monoclinic with lattice parameters a = 3.065(l)nm, b = 0.9915(5) nm, с = 1.5883(5) nm, 0 = 110.76(2)°, V = 4.5132nm3 , the space group is C2/c, Z = 8. The crystal density is Do= .748 Mgnr-3 , Dc = 1.72 Mgn-3 , CuKα (λ=0.15418 nm) radiation, μ=2.73 mm-1 , the relative molecular mass is Mr = 585.84. The structure was
solved by the heavy atom method and refined by the least squares to R = 0.072
for 1810 observed diffractions. The structure consists of [Ni(l)-EDDS]2-
complex anions, [Ni(2)(H20)6 ]2+ cations, and crystal water molecules. Both
coordination polyhedrons of Ni atom are distorted octahedrons. The coordination polyhedron of Ni(l) atom is formed by two nitrogen atoms of
ethylenediamine moiety and by four oxygen atoms of carboxyl groups of
EDDS. The complex anion has an (OC-6-13-A) absolute configuration for the
(S, S) absolute configuration of the ligand.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 383a321.pdf
Chemical Papers 38 (3) 321–330 (1984)