ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Anisotropy of some polymer systems. I. Polypropylene fibers
I. Diačik, I. Mitterpach, and O. Ďurčová
Research Institute of Chemical Fibers,
059 21 Svit
Abstract: Infrared absorption spectroscopy was used to study the molecular orientation of ordered regions and average orientation of polypropylene fibers.
Experimental data were used to calculate the functions of orientation which in turn made it possible to calculate orientation factors. The orientation factors obtained in this way were compared with the results of X-ray
structure analysis and optical birefringence. I t was found t h a t average
orientation of polypropylene fibers can be judged in a convenient manner
from the absorption band at 1256 cm-1, while the absorption band at
997 cm-1 can be used to deduce the dependence of orientation of ordered
regions in the overall range of deformation degrees.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 291a68.pdf
Chemical Papers 29 (1) 68–74 (1975)