ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Solidus-liquidus equilibrium in binary systems having complete miscibility in the solid state. Type I after Roozeboom
M. Galová and M. Malinovský
Department of Mathematics, Slovak Technical University,
880 37 Bratislava
Abstract: The thermodn. anal. of the course of liquidus and solidus curves in binary systems having complete miscibility in both liq. and solid states was carried out. The binary systems of the type NA-NB with common ion were considered. The object of the treatment was the so-called type I after Roozeboom (both liquidus and solidus curves have a monotonous course). It is assumed that the liq. soln. obeys the Temkin ideal model and the solid one the classic ideal model. The thermodn. conditions for the existence of such systems are as follows: T1 > T2 (where T1 is the m.p. of NA and T2, of NB) and ΔH1 > R (T1T2/T1+-T2+)lnt (where ΔH1 is the heat of fusion of NA and t is a parameter >1). A relation which enables one to calc. the value of the enthalpy of fusion ΔH1 of component '1' was derived. It is only necessary to know the value of the slopes of tangents to liquidus and solidus curves at the m.p. T2 of component '2'.
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Chemical Papers 28 (4) 499–508 (1974)