ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Action of phloridzine and various glycosides on mammalian trehalases
J. Labat, J. F. Demelier, and J. E. Courtois
Laboratoires de biochimie de VHôpital Laennec et de la Faculté de phmmacie, Paris
Abstract: The intestinal trehalase of pig has been purified. Its properties are similar
to those of purified tréhalases from the kidneys of man or pig: optimum pH
about 5.7, trehalose —trehalase linkage dissociated little, absence of activation
by metal cations, competitive inhibition by sucrose.
Some phenol hétérosides have manifested inhibition: phloridzine, arbutino,
piceoside. Phloretol causes a more important inhibition in comparison to
Among the hétérosides with a structure resembling that of phloridzine
which have been studied, only isoasebotine and salipurposide have proved
to be inhibitors. The possible physiological role of these tréhalases is discussed
in connection with the results obtained.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 2310a776.pdf (in French)
Chemical Papers 23 (10) 776–786 (1969)