ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Phthalides and 1,3-indandiones. XXXIV. Preparation and structural study of 1-methoxy-2-(halophenyl)-1-inden-3-ones and 2-methyl-2-(halophenyl)-1,3-indandiones on the basis of infrared and electron spectra
P. Hrnčiar, M. Štekláč, M. Livař, and H. Cipinová
Institut für organische Chemie der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät
an der Komenský-Universität, Bratislava 1
Abstract: By methylation of anions of 2-(o-halogenophenyl)-1,3-indandiones by
methyl iodide, apart from О-methyl derivatives, О-methyl derivatives are
also formed, whereas by methylation of 2-(p-halogenophenyl)-1,3-indandiones
only C-methyl derivatives are formed. On methylation of 2-(o-halogenophenyl)-
1,3-indandiones and 2-(p-halogenophenyl)-1,3-indandiones by diazomethane
only О-methyl derivatives were obtained. The assumed structure of
thus prepared substances was established by evaluation of their infrared spectra.
On the basis of their electron spectra, the stereochemistry of molecules
of prepared substances is discussed.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 238a597.pdf (in German)
Chemical Papers 23 (8) 597–605 (1969)