ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Use of the cinnamohydroxamic acid for gravimetric determination of iron(III) ions
V. Špringer and I. Benedikovič
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Faculty of the Komenský
University, Bratislava
Abstract: Preparation of the red-brown, in water scarcely soluble complex of the cinnamohydroxamic
acid with iron ions at pH ranging from 2—10 is discussed. The complex
Fe(C0H8NO2)2OH. H20 may be used for determination of Fe (III), supposing no greater
amounts of heavy metals are present in the analysed sample
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 2210a797.pdf (in Slovak)
Chemical Papers 22 (10) 797–800 (1968)