ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Device for withdrawal of krypton-85 for preparation of radioactive kryptonates
Š. Varga, J. Tölgyessy, V. Jesenák, and B. Filip
Department of Radiochemistry and Radiation Chemistry, Slovak Technical University,
Abstract: Device for withdrawing and dosing of radioactive krypton has been designed and the
procedure has been elaborated. Radioactive krypton 85Kr was adsorbed over charcoal
at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. The dosing device was rilled with radioactive
krypton at the atmospheric pressure by desorption of 85Kr from charcoal by means of
a mercury manostat. Krypton is withdrown through a rubber membrane below the
mercury level by succion in a syringe. Before repeating this process, the pressure inside
the dosing device should be equilibrated to the atmospheric pressure anew. Tins device
makes it possible to withdraw krypton at atmospheric pressure and to controle the
amount of it. Designed device is used for preparing radioactive kryptonates.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 224a300.pdf (in Slovak)
Chemical Papers 22 (4) 300–303 (1968)