ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
New complexons. XIII. Potentiometric and electrophoretic study of ethylenediamine-N,N'-disuccinic acid and its metal chelates
J. Majer, V. Jokl, E. Dvořáková, and M. Jurčová
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Komenský University,
Abstract: The chelate-forming properties of the ethylenediamine-N'-disuccinic acid
(C10H16O8N2) (EDDJ) with the aid of potentiometry and of paper electrophoresis are
studied. From the Potentiometrie measurements both acidity constants and stability
constants of EDDJ chelates with bivalent ions Ca, Mg, Sr, Ba, Cu, Zn, Cd, Mn, Pb, Co
for the ionic strength I = 0.1 (KN03); t = 20 °C were derived.
The assumed composition (1:1) and the charge of the named complexes has been proved
by the electrophoretic mobility curves analysis. On the basis of this curves the approximative
stability constants of the chelates with the above ions as well as those of chelates
with Ni(II), Fe(III), Al(III), and La(III) were graphically evaluated.
The stability of EDDJ metal chelates is compared with the ethylenediamine-.N,N'-diacetic-N,N'-dipropionic acid (EDDADP), which, similarly to EDDJ and in contrast
to EDTA, can form three five-dentate and two six-dentate rings.
The presence of secondary amino-groups in the EDDJ molecule influences the acidity
constants values kH2А and kHA which are lower than those of EDDADP. The stability
of the EDDJ chelates is — in spite of the shift kHA — on the average lower by the unit
log KMA with the exception of Сu and Ni chelates. This lowering by log KMA in the EDDJ
is ascribed to the deformation of six-dentate rings which is due to different structure of
In comparison with EDTA, a greater decrease of Cd, Pb and alkali earths complexes
stability was observed. The relatively lowest depresion of the stability constant was found to be that of Ca-complex (decrease by 6 units log KMA), SO that the stability decreases in the
following order: Mg > Ca > Sr > Ba.
Finally, it can be stated, that the EDDJ has certain selectivity power in comparison
with EDTA.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 226a415.pdf (in Slovak)
Chemical Papers 22 (6) 415–423 (1968)