ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Differential thermal analysis of carbonates in carbon dioxide current

V. Šiške and I. Proks

Slovak Technical University, Bratislava


Abstract: It was detd. by differential thermal analysis (I) that there is no assocn. (recarbonation) of CO2 with the oxides formed by the decompn. of siderite and magnesite or with MgO formed by the 1st degree decompn. of dolomite. From the curves of CaO and CO2 assocns. it was possible to det. exactly the beginning of the assocn. and the temp. at which the dissociation pressure of CO2 is equal to atm. pressure. The dissocn. and assocn. curves, CaCO3 ↹ CaO + CO2, detd. by I, are affected by the speed of heating and cooling. Under given conditions approx. 75% CaCO3 is formed by the assocn. from the total amt. of CaCO3 before decompn.

Full paper in Portable Document Format: 124a201.pdf (in Slovak)


Chemical Papers 12 (4) 201–208 (1958)

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