ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Euphorbia antisyphilitica residues as a new source of ellagic acid
Juan A. Ascacio-Valdés, Antonio Aguilera-Carbó, José L. Martínez-Hernández, Raúl Rodríguez-Herrera, and Cristóbal N. Aguilar
Food Science and Technology Department, School of Chemistry, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Blvd. Venustiano Carranza. Col. República, 25280 Saltillo, Coahuila, México
E-mail: cristobal.aguilar@mail.uadec.mx
Received: 27 October 2009 Revised: 2 February 2010 Accepted: 9 February 2010
Abstract: In this study, a new source of ellagic acid (EA) is reported. Euphorbia antisyphilitica or “candelilla” was used to extract phenolic dilactone. Cereous layers and fibrous tissue were analyzed. A completely randomized
experimental design with a treatment factorial arrangement was employed. The factors considered were: plant/extracting agent
ratio, extraction temperature and time. Candelilla wax does not contain EA. Temperature and the ratio plant/extracting agent
were determinant during the EA extraction process. Around 20 mg of free EA per gram of fibrous tissue were found. Residues
of candelilla are a good source of EA.
Keywords: Euphorbia antisyphilitica Zucc - candelilla - extraction - ellagic acid
Full paper is available at www.springerlink.com.
DOI: 10.2478/s11696-010-0034-6
Chemical Papers 64 (4) 528–532 (2010)