ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Author: Marko

Green extraction of flavonoids and phenolic acids from elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) using deep eutectic solvents 341 349
Sanda Vladimir-Knežević, Marijana Perković, Kristina Zagajski Kučan, Mateja Mervić, and Marko Rogošić Vol. 76, 1
The impact of preparation route on the performance of silver dodecatungstophosphate/β zeolite catalysts in the ethylene production 3169 3180
Dejana Janićijević, Snežana Uskoković-Marković, Alexandru Popa, Bojana Nedić Vasiljević, Anka Jevremović, Maja Milojević-Rakić, and Danica Bajuk-Bogdanović Vol. 75, 7
Synthesis of nanocrystalline eskolaite via grimaldiite 735 741
Marko Robić, Mira Ristić, Stjepko Krehula, Marijana Jurić, and Svetozar Musić Vol. 75, 2
Synthesis and properties of Sn-doped α-FeOOH nanoparticles 6355 6366
Nina Popov, Mira Ristić, Marko Robić, Vanja Gilja, Ljerka Kratofil Krehula, Svetozar Musić, and Stjepko Krehula Vol. 75, 12
Production of 2-phenylethyl acetate via reactive distillation 2341 2356
Branislav Šulgan, Zuzana Labovská, and Jozef Markoš Vol. 74, 7
Application prospects of dense gas separation hollow fibers based on poly(4-methyl-1-pentene) 1917 1921
Svetlana Markova, Maxim Shalygin, Martin Pelzer, Thomas Gries, and Vladimir Teplyakov Vol. 74, 6
Theoretical study on the heat of formation of some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 829 836
Izudin Redžepović and Svetlana Marković Vol. 74, 3
Synthesis and properties of nanostructured Cr-doped hematite fibres 4345 4353
Marko Robić, Mira Ristić, Marijan Marciuš, Stjepko Krehula, and Svetozar Musić Vol. 74, 12
Investigation of membrane bioreactor for in situ product removal based on silicone rubber membrane module 2133 2142
Mário Mihaľ, Ivan Červeňanský, and Jozef Markoš Vol. 73, 9
External magnetic field influence on magnetite and cobalt-ferrite nano-particles in ferrofluid 1535 1542
Milorad M. Kuraica, Predrag Iskrenović, Marko Perić, Ivan Krstić, and Aleksandar S. Nikolić Vol. 72, 6
QSAR of the free radical scavenging potency of selected hydroxyanthraquinones 2785 2793
Zoran Marković, Miloš Filipović, Nedeljko Manojlović, Ana Amić, Svetlana Jeremić, and Dejan Milenković Vol. 72, 11
Reproduction and interpretation of the UV–vis spectra of some flavonoids 543 552
Jelena Tošović and Svetlana Marković Vol. 71, 3
Study of the structure, prooxidative, and cytotoxic activity of some chelate copper(II) complexes 2075 2083
Vladimir P. Petrović, Marko N. Živanović, Dušica Simijonović, Jelena Đorović, Zorica D. Petrović, and Snežana D. Marković Vol. 71, 11
Bioproduction of phenylacetic acid in airlift reactor by immobilized Gluconobacter oxydans 103 118
Mário Mihaľ, Ivan Červeňanský, Jozef Markoš, and Martin Rebroš Vol. 71, 1
Formation of a vanillic Mannich base – theoretical study 1244 1252
Vladimir P. Petrović, Dušica Simijonović, Zorica D. Petrović, and Svetlana Marković Vol. 69, 9
Intensive 2-phenylethanol production in a hybrid system combined of a stirred tank reactor and an immersed extraction membrane module 1656 1666
Mário Mihaľ, Ramiro F. Goncalves, and Jozef Markoš Vol. 68, 12
Design consideration of dimethyl succinate production process 1667 1677
Jozef Dudáš, Marcel Kotora, Michal Bradáč, and Jozef Markoš Vol. 68, 12
Kinetics and modelling of heptane steam-cracking 1678 1689
Natália Olahová, Martin Bajus, Elena Hájeková, Lukáš Šugár, and Jozef Markoš Vol. 68, 12
Airlift reactor — membrane extraction hybrid system for aroma production 1485 1494
Mário Mihaľ, Sean Peter Gavin, and Jozef Markoš Vol. 67, 12
Catalytic gasification of pyrolytic oil from tire pyrolysis process 1504 1513
Lukáš Gašparovič, Lukáš Šugár, Ľudovít Jelemenský, and Jozef Markoš Vol. 67, 12
DFT study of free radical scavenging activity of erodiol 1453 1461
Zoran Marković, Jelena Đorović, Milan Dekić, Milanka Radulović, Svetlana Marković, and Marija Ilić Vol. 67, 11
Influence of various spices on acrylamide content in buckwheat ginger cakes 949 954
Lucie Marková, Zuzana Ciesarová, Kristína Kukurová, Henryk Zieliński, Małgorzata Przygodzka, Alena Bednáriková, and Peter Šimko Vol. 66, 10
Membrane extraction of 1-phenylethanol from fermentation solution 156 166
Mário Mihaľ, Jozef Markoš, and Vladimír Štefuca Vol. 65, 2
Theoretical study on transesterification in a combined process consisting of a reactive distillation column and a pervaporation unit 167 176
Zuzana Švandová and Jozef Markoš Vol. 65, 2
Steady state and dynamic simulation of a hybrid reactive separation process 193 202
Mário Mihaľ, Zuzana Švandová, and Jozef Markoš Vol. 64, 2
A three-phase nonequilibrium model for catalytic distillation 197 204
Marcel Kotora, Zuzana Švandová, and Jozef Markoš Vol. 63, 2
Biosynthesis of methanol from methane by Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b 105 110
Agata Markowska and Beata Michalkiewicz Vol. 63, 2
Modeling of enzymatic reaction in an airlift reactor using an axial dispersion model 10 17
Ivan Sikula and Jozef Markoš Vol. 62, 1
HAZOP study of a fixed bed reactor for MTBE synthesis using a dynamic approach 51 57
Juraj Labovský, Zuzana Švandová, Jozef Markoš, and Ľudovít Jelemenský Vol. 62, 1
Influence of the reactive distillation column configuration on its performance: A computational study 58 64
Zuzana Švandová, Jozef Markoš, and Ľudovít Jelemenský Vol. 62, 1
Reactive distillation — experimental data for propyl propionate synthesis 65 69
Marcel Kotora, Carsten Buchaly, Peter Kreis, Andrzej Górak, and Jozef Markoš Vol. 62, 1
Pore structure of pyrolyzed scrap tires 86 91
Zuzana Koreňová, Juma Haydary, Július Annus, Jozef Markoš, and Ľudovít Jelemenský Vol. 62, 1
Kinetics of extraction of coal-tar pitch components with supercritical carbon dioxide 46 50
S. Marković, Z. Marković, R. I. McCrindle, and B. R. Simonović Vol. 61, 1
Kinetics of pyrolysis and properties of carbon black from a scrap tire 422 426
Z. Koreňová, M. Juma, J. Annus, J. Markoš, and Ľ. Jelemenský Vol. 60, 6
Multiple steady states in a CSTR with total condenser: Comparison of equilibrium and nonequilibrium models 432 440
Z. Švandová, J. Markoš, and Ľ. Jelemenský Vol. 60, 6
Influence of biomass on hydrodynamics of an internal loop airlift reactor 441 445
M. Juraščík, M. Hucík, I. Sikula, J. Annus, and J. Markoš Vol. 60, 6
Modelling of enzymatic reaction in an internal loop airlift reactor 446 453
I. Sikula, M. Juraščík, and J. Markoš Vol. 60, 6
Safety analysis and risk identification for a tubular reactor using the HAZOP methodology 454 459
J. Labovský, Ľ. Jelemenský, and J. Markoš Vol. 60, 6
HAZOP Analysis of CSTR with the Use of Mathematical Modelling 464 468
Z. Švandová, J. Markoš, and Ľ. Jelemenský Vol. 59, 6b
Comparison of Single Coal Char Particle Combustion at Different Conditions 413 420
K. Holíková, R. Žajdlík, J. Markoš, and Ľ. Jelemenský Vol. 59, 6a
A Kinetic Model for Gluconic Acid Production by Aspergillus niger 23 28
H. Znad, M. Blažej, V. Báleš, and J. Markoš Vol. 58, 1
Reliable Risk Estimation in the Risk Analysis of Chemical Industry. Case Study: Ammonia Storage Pressurized Spherical Tank 48 54
Š. Jelemenský, J. Harišová, A. Molnár, and J. Markoš Vol. 58, 1
Three-Dimensional Gas-Liquid Simulation of an Airlift Bubble Column Reactor 387 392
G. M. Cartland Glover, M. Blažej, S. C. Generalis, and J. Markoš Vol. 57, 6
Using of the Dynamic Pressure-Step Method for Mass Transfer Coefficient Measurement in the Internal-Loop Airlift Reactor 445 450
M. Blažej, J. Annus, and J. Markoš Vol. 57, 6
Accuracy of Mathematical Model with Regard to Safety Analysis of Chemical Reactors 357 361
A. Molnár, J. Markoš, and Ľ. Jelemenský Vol. 56, 6
Experimental Study of Single Coal Char Particle Combustion Mechanism 359 363
J. Markoš, R. Žajdlík, B. Remiarová, and Ľ. Jelemenský Vol. 55, 6
Modelling of Gasification of a Single Coal Char Particle 364 368
R. Žajdlík, Ľ. Jelemenský, J. Markoš, and B. Remiarová Vol. 55, 6
Application of a Magnetic Tracer Method for the Characterization of Hydrodynamics in Internal-Loop Airlift Bioreactors 456 466
J. Klein, O. Dolgoš, Š. Godó, M. Blažej, and J. Markoš Vol. 54, 6b
Single Coal Char Particle Combustion in the Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere 467 472
R. Žajdlík, J. Markoš, Ľ. Jelemenský, and B. Remiarová Vol. 54, 6b
Modelling of Nonlinear Behaviour during Combustion of Single Coal Char Particle 473 481
Ľ. Jelemenský, J. Markoš, R. Žajdlík, and B. Remiarová Vol. 54, 6b
Selective chlorination of acetone in the gas phase 349 356
J. Markoš, Ľ. Jelemenský, M. Šóoš, and V. Čamaj Vol. 53, 6
RNDr. Antonín Režábek Passed Away - Obituary 345 345
A. Jaroš and V. Marko Vol. 53, 5
Pectinesterases - Structure and function 362 362
O. Markovic Vol. 52, SI
Antioxidative Properties of Phenolic Acids against Hydroperoxide-Induced Oxidative Stress in Cultured Rat and Human Hepatocytes 810 810
J. Psotová, H. Marková, C. Fialová, E. Anyanwu, J. Ulrichová, and D. Walterová Vol. 52, 6
Cryolite Corner of the Phase Diagram of the Ternary System NaF—AIF3—KF 13 15
J. Gabčová, M. Marko, and P. Fellner Vol. 49, 1
Retention indexes of some  ß-adrenolytics and their perfluoroacyl derivatives 375 380
V. Marko Vol. 42, 3
Modeling of catalytic reactors with catalyst deactivation. II. Model of well-mixed regions in series 363 373
J. Markoš, A. Brunovská, and J. Ilavský Vol. 41, 3
Modeling of catalytic reactors with catalyst deactivation. 4. Parameter estimation of the rate equations of heterogeneous catalyst deactivation 375 393
J. Markoš, A. Brunovská, and J. Ilavský Vol. 41, 3
Synthesis and reactions of uronic acid derivatives. XXI. Controlled esterification of oligo-D-galactosiduronic acids with diazomethane 79 83
O. Markovič, P. Kováč, and A. Slezárik Vol. 35, 1
Preparation of N-acetylimidazole 128 130
I. Ježo and O. Markovič Vol. 32, 1
Redox reactions of the complexes with cations in higher oxidation states. V. Kinetic study of the redox reaction of manganese(III) with oxalic acid in the medium of acetic acid 31 36
E. Marko and Ľ. Treindl Vol. 28, 1
Hydroformylation of allyl phenyl ether 263 271
J. Strešinka, M. Marko, and V. Macho Vol. 22, 4
Determination of sialic acid by paper chromatography 28 31
O. Markovič Vol. 18, 1
The components of various types of honeybee venoms 676 684
O. Markovič and Ľ. Rexová Vol. 17, 9
Chemical characterization of some low-molecular components of honeybee poison 884 890
Ľ. Rexová and O. Markovič Vol. 17, 12
The activity of hyaluronidase in different kinds of bee venom 458 462
B. Dulovičová and O. Markovič Vol. 16, 6
Changes of acetals under the conditions of the oxo synthesis 65 72
V. Macho, M. Marko, and M. Čiha Vol. 16, 1-2
The effect of acetylene and some of its homologs on oxo synthesis 830 838
V. Macho, M. Marko, and M. Čiha Vol. 15, 11-12
Determination of scopolamine in the presence of an excess of morphine and ethylmorphine 192 197
O. Markovič and Ľ. Rexová Vol. 11, 4
The isolation of galegine from Galega officinalis 576 579
O. Markovič and V. Dittertová Vol. 9, 9
Paper chromatographic determination of oxydimorphine in the presence of morphine 580 589
O. Markovič, L. Molnár, and J. Tomko Vol. 8, 9
Isolation and determination of honeybee poison 80 90
O. Markovič and L. Molnár Vol. 8, 2-3
Economical news 188 195
M.Marko and I. Stein Vol. 2, 5-6
Economical news 130 131
M.Marko and I. Stein Vol. 2, 4

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