ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Chemical stabilization of daughter 99mTc after the
β-decay in chelate systems with molybdenyl-(99Mo)
V. Mikulaj, P. Rajec, and V. Faberová
Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Komenský University,
801 00 Bratislava
Abstract: Chemical consequences of the β-decay of 99Mo in molecules of the type
M0O2L2 (L is a chelating ligand) were studied. 8-Hydroxy quinoline.
and N-benzoyl-N-phenylhydroxylamině were used as chelating
agents. Kinetics of extraction of 99Mo(VI) —99mTc with chloroform solutions
of chelating agents from aqueous HCl or H2SO4, kinetics of stripping of
chelates from chloroform solutions and extractability of Tc(VII), Tc(V),
and Tc(IV) were investigated. According to the results, daughter 99mТс is
stabilized in oxidation degree V in high yields (80—100%). 99mTc(V) is
in general unstable and its stability in the chloroform — water two-phase
system depends on its ability to form chelates with chelating agents. The
formation of 99mTc(V) is explained by preservation of the metal —oxygen
bonds which are not much affected by phenomena accompanying the β-decay.
The notable stabilizing effect on 99mTc(V) oxocation is exhibited mainly by
8-hydroxyquinoline and a-benzoinoxime. The former stabilized daughter
99mTc as a chelate of the assumed composition ТсО2Ох. Its yield (90—100%)
was only slightly dependent on the aqueous phase composition.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 281a37.pdf
Chemical Papers 28 (1) 37–46 (1974)