ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Volume 1, Number 9-10 / 1947, Pages 277 – 352

The spectral analysis of brasses by Pfeilsticker's intermittent arc 277 294
F. Králik
Antibiotic properties of some higher fungi 294 299
P. Nemec
The precipitation of the organic matter from the sulfite liquor 299 305
R. Boríšek
Plastické hmoty 306 309
J. Gašperík
Insecticidal and repellent properties of organic compounds 310 316
M. Zikmund
Drying of simulated silk 316 322
V. Beseda
The utilization of sulfite liquor by different kinds of fermentation 322 326
J. Havránek
Viskozová celulóza, jej výroba a vlastnosti 326 330
I. Slávik
Newer knowledge on artificial fibers 331 348
V. Ríša
Dnešný stav zhodnotenia sulfitových výluhov 340 348
F. Kozmál
Referáty o knihách 348 350
D. Prístavka and M. Zikmund
News of the Society 351 352

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