ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Crystal chemistry of hydroxyfluoro complexes of arsenic and antimony

W. Haase

Friedrich Schiller Univ., Jena, Germany.


Abstract: The crystal structure was detd. for K[AsF5OH] and K[AsF4(OH)2]. The orthorhombic cell of the former has a 28.30, b 11.37, c 9.45 A.; d. calcd. and exptl. are 2.94 and 2.84, resp.; Z = 24 and the space group is Pbcn. The calcns. are based on a 4-mol. orthorhombic pseudo-unit with a 9.45, b 5.69, c 9.43 A. and the space group Pca. Approx. coordinates are given for As and K. Layers of As and 2F; K; 2F alternate in the direction of the c axis. The octahedral coordination about As is distorted and As-F, OH equal or nearly equal to 1.8 A. The x-ray effects of F- and OH- are indistinguishable. The monoclinic cell of K[AsF4(OH)2] has a 4.8, b 15.9, c 12.6 A., and β 98.5°; d. calcd. and exptl. are 3.22 and 3.13, resp.; Z = 8 and the space group is C 2/c. A simplified unit with Z = 4 is indicated. The known crystal structures of type ABX6 (A = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs; B = P, As, Sb; X = F-, OH-) are reviewed. The discussion on the interat. distances in K[AsF5OH] and in Na[SbF5OH] indicates that the crystal chemistry of the polyfluoroarsenates and -antimonates is interpretable. 12 references.

Full paper in Portable Document Format: 193a167.pdf (in German)


Chemical Papers 19 (3) 167–171 (1965)

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