ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Determination of phosphates by reduction of molybdophosphoric acid with hydrazine in the presence of Fe(III) salts
J. Malý and H. Fadrus
Vodohospodarska Sprava Mesta Brna, Brno
Abstract: The effect of Fe3+ on phosphate detn. by the Mo blue method was studied photometrically. The method of Hague and Bright (CA 35: 50602) was selected with redn. by N2H4.H2SO4. The optimum acidity for the redn. of Fe3+ and for the development of Mo blue were detd. and incorporated into Haque's method. The acidity was maintained by the addn. of 0.24M Na2SO3 and 1.4N H2SO4. With this modification, 0-0.100 mg. P in 100 ml. can be detd. in the presence of 1000-fold more Fe3+ than P or 100 mg. Fe/100 ml. This procedure can be applied in the analyses of silicates, soil, and sediments of waste waters where the amts. of Fe are much higher than P.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 213a145.pdf (in Czech)
Chemical Papers 21 (3) 145–156 (1967)