ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Author: Danciger

Quantum-chemical study of the properties of the excited states of organic molecules. III. Excited states of nitrous oxide (N2O), azoimide (HN3), and ketene (H2CCO) 289 294
O. Kyseľ and J. Danciger Vol. 38, 3
Quantum-chemical study of the properties of the excited states of organic molecules. IV. Photodissociation of nitrogen oxide 295 302
J. Danciger and O. Kyseľ Vol. 38, 3
Quantum-chemical study of the properties of the excited states of organic molecules. V. Excited states and photolytic dissociation of formaldehyde 303 311
J. Danciger and O. Kyseľ Vol. 38, 3
Quantum-chemical study of the properties of the excited states of organic molecules. I. A survey of quantum-chemical methods and semi-empirical calculation of photodissociation of ketene 3 18
J. Danciger and O. Kyseľ Vol. 38, 1
Quantum-chemical study of the properties of the excited states of organic molecules. II. Calculations of transition energies and geometries of molecules in the excited states by the electron-hole potential method 19 31
J. Danciger and O. Kyseľ Vol. 38, 1
Light scattering and excess thermodynamic quantities in the cyclohexane-thiophene mixture 145 150
J. Vavra and J. Danciger Vol. 36, 2
Light scattering in the mixtures tetrahydrofuran-dimethylformamide and tetrahydrofuran-dimethylformamide-poly(vinyl chloride) 441 445
J. Vavra and J. Danciger Vol. 35, 4

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