ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Author: Kolár

Influence of superplasticizers on the course of Portland cement hydration 90 97
Pavel Šiler, Iva Kolářová, Josef Krátký, Jaromír Havlica, and Jiří Brandštetr Vol. 68, 1
Calorimetric determination of the effect of additives on cement hydration process 213 220
Pavel Šiler, Josef Krátký, Iva Kolářová, Jaromír Havlica, and Jiří Brandštetr Vol. 67, 2
Induction of Cryptococcus laurentii α-galactosidase 806 813
Csilla Mészárosová, Nadežda Kolarova, Renáta Vadkertiová, and Eva Stratilová Vol. 66, 9
Erratum to: “Csilla Mészárosová, Nadežda Kolarova, Renáta Vadkertiová, Eva Stratilová: Induction of Cryptococcus laurentii α-galactosidase”, Chemical Papers 66 (9) 806-813 (2012) 981 982
Csilla Mészárosová, Nadežda Kolarova, Renáta Vadkertiová, and Eva Stratilová Vol. 66, 10
Extracellular polysaccharides produced by acapsular mutant of Cryptococcus laurentii 69 70
J. Dudíková and N. Kolarova Vol. 60, 1
Isolation and Characterization of Glycoproteins from the Yeast Cryptococcus laurentii var. laurentii. II. Extracellular Glycoproteins 261 268
P. Bartek, N. Kolárová, and P. Capek Vol. 55, 4
Mitochondrial Uncoupling Proteins in Control of Energy Balance and Adiposity 247 248
J. Kopecký, M. Rossmeisl, I. Syrový, M. Horáková, P. Kolárová, Z. Hodný, F. Baumruk, P. Flachs, L. Janderová, and K. Formánková Vol. 52, SI
The AAC1 Gene Encoding a Minor Isoform of Mitochondrial ADP/ATP Carrier in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Has Regulatory Function 259 259
Ľ. Šabová, B. Sokolíkováa, G. Gavurníková, and J. Kolarov Vol. 52, SI
In vitro and in vivo Analysis of cis-activatig Sequences within the Promoter of AAC2 Gene Saccharomyces cerevisiae 283 283
M. Neboháčová, A. Horská, S. Betina, and J. Kolarov Vol. 52, SI
The effect of nucleotides on microbial galactosyltransferase activity. 367 367
P. Bartek and N. Kolarova Vol. 52, SI
A neutral extracellular polysaccharide of Cryptococcus laurentii 368 368
N. Kolarova and P. Capek Vol. 52, SI
Temperature sensitive mutants of mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier in yeast produced by in vitro chemical mutagenesis of AAC2 gene. 408 408
I. Kissova, P. Polcic, and J. Kolarov Vol. 52, SI
Creatine phosphokinase in contact sites in cardiac mitochondrial membranes. Modulation by calcium. 426 427
B. Ziegelhoffer-Mihalovicova, F. Kolar, K. Volkova, T. Ravingerova, N. Tribulova, W. Jacob, and A. Ziegelhoffer Vol. 52, SI
Isolation and Characterization of Glycoproteins from the Yeast Cryptococcus laurentii. 1. Cell-Wall Glycoproteins 215 219
N. Kolarova, M. Grešik, and I. Šmondrková Vol. 49, 4
Radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate initiated by thermal and catalyzed decomposition of 1,2,4,5-tetraoxane 328 335
E. Borsig, O. Vadňalová, P. Kolár, and M. Lazár Vol. 30, 3
Thermal behavior of peroxydiphosphates. I. Sodium peroxydiphosphate and its hydrates 257 264
B. Maliňák and J. Kolářová Vol. 24, 4

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