ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Author: Marek
CFD simulation of a small bubble motion in 3D flow domain: effect of liquid density, viscosity and surface tension |
3979 |
– |
3992 |
Jakub Crha, Pavlína Basařová, and Marek C. Ruzicka |
Vol. 77, 7 |
Searching for a cost-effective method of determining sorption properties for the industrial use of CO2 capture |
6217 |
– |
6233 |
Marek Staf and Veronika Kyselová |
Vol. 77, 10 |
The variability of carotenoid pigments and fatty acids produced by some yeasts within Sporidiobolales and Cystofilobasidiales |
3353 |
– |
3362 |
Iveta Kostovová, Dana Byrtusová, Marek Rapta, Vladimír Babák, and Ivana Márová |
Vol. 75, 7 |
3D-printed microfluidic device for monodisperse emulsions preparation |
6101 |
– |
6113 |
Jan Klusák, Jan Mucha, and Marek Večeř |
Vol. 75, 11 |
New hybrids of tacrine and indomethacin as multifunctional acetylcholinesterase inhibitors |
249 |
– |
264 |
Kamil Zawada, Kamila Czarnecka, Małgorzata Girek, Paweł Kręcisz, František Trejtnar, Jana Mandíková, Jakub Jończyk, Marek Bajda, Mariusz Staśkiewicz, Przemysław Wójtowicz, Katarzyna Dziubek, Robert Skibiński, and Paweł Szymański |
Vol. 75, 1 |
Chemical dissolution of struvite precipitates in pipes from anaerobic sludge digestion |
2545 |
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2552 |
Stanislava Kecskésová, Zuzana Imreová, Marek Martonka, and Miloslav Drtil |
Vol. 74, 8 |
Correction to: Chemical dissolution of struvite precipitates in pipes from anaerobic sludge digestion |
2553 |
– |
2553 |
Stanislava Kecskésová, Zuzana Imreová, Marek Martonka, and Miloslav Drtil |
Vol. 74, 8 |
Separation of saline oily wastewater by membrane distillation |
2277 |
– |
2286 |
Marek Gryta |
Vol. 74, 7 |
Complex biogas membrane upgrading to BioCNG at agriculture biogas plant |
4227 |
– |
4239 |
Jiří Maršálek, Pavel Brož, and Marek Bobák |
Vol. 74, 12 |
Four novel cobalt(II) succinate coordination polymers with N-heterocyclic ligands: crystal structures, spectral properties, magnetism and computational study |
3741 |
– |
3753 |
Marek Brezovan, Vladimír Kuchtanin, Ján Moncol, Ján Pavlik, Ľubor Dlháň, and Peter Segľa |
Vol. 74, 11 |
The influence of NOx presence on the catalytic N2O decomposition over the supported double-promoted cobalt spinel catalyst |
1979 |
– |
1986 |
Marek Inger, Jakub Rajewski, Monika Ruszak, and Marcin Wilk |
Vol. 73, 8 |
Case study: monitoring of Glc4 tetrasaccharide in the urine of Pompe patients, use of MALDI-TOF MS, and 1H NMR |
701 |
– |
711 |
Zuzana Pakanová, Mária Matulová, Iveta Uhliariková, Darina Behúlová, Anna Šalingová, Anna Hlavatá, Katarína Juríčková, Marek Nemčovič, Vladimír Pätoprstý, and Ján Mucha |
Vol. 73, 3 |
Studies of membrane scaling during water desalination by membrane distillation |
591 |
– |
600 |
Marek Gryta |
Vol. 73, 3 |
Selenite sorption onto goethite: isotherm and ion-competitive studies, and effect of pH on sorption kinetics |
2975 |
– |
2985 |
Michaela Matulová, Martin Urík, Marek Bujdoš, Eva Duborská, Martin Cesnek, and Marcel B. Miglierini |
Vol. 73, 12 |
The impact of variable carbonation and decarbonation conditions on the CO2 sorption capacity of CaO-based sorbents |
3031 |
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3042 |
Marek Staf, Barbora Miklová, and Veronika Kyselová |
Vol. 73, 12 |
Comparison of two morphologically different fungal biomass types for experimental separation of labile aluminium species using atomic spectrometry methods |
3019 |
– |
3023 |
Peter Matúš, Martin Urík, Marek Bujdoš, Ingrid Hagarová, Filip Polák, Eva Duborská, Hyunjung Kim, and Jana Kubová |
Vol. 73, 12 |
Quaternary protoberberine alkaloids and their interactions with DNA |
2965 |
– |
2973 |
Petra Jarošová, Roman Sándor, Andrea Slaninková, Marek Vido, Ondřej Peš, and Petr Táborský |
Vol. 73, 12 |
Fungal bioextraction of iron from kaolin |
3025 |
– |
3029 |
Filip Polák, Martin Urík, Marek Bujdoš, Hyunjung Kim, and Peter Matúš |
Vol. 73, 12 |
Medicinal chemistry: an effect of a desolvation penalty of an amide group in the development of kinase inhibitors |
71 |
– |
84 |
Juraj Dobiaš, Marek Ondruš, Matúš Hlaváč, Miroslav Murár, Juraj Kóňa, Gabriela Addová, and Andrej Boháč |
Vol. 73, 1 |
Optical microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and AFM study of heavy weathered surface of barium crystal glass |
2153 |
– |
2158 |
Andrea Černá, Branislav Hruška, Darinka Tokarčíková, Mária Chromčíková, and Marek Liška |
Vol. 72, 9 |
The influence of chemical structure on thermal properties and surface morphology of polyurethane materials |
1249 |
– |
1256 |
Joanna Brzeska, Magda Morawska, Aleksandra Heimowska, Wanda Sikorska, Wojciech Wałach, Anna Hercog, Marek Kowalczuk, and Maria Rutkowska |
Vol. 72, 5 |
2′-Deoxy-2′-azidonucleoside analogs: synthesis and evaluation of antitumor and antimicrobial activity |
981 |
– |
990 |
Adam Mieczkowski, Patrycja Wińska, Marta Kaczmarek, Magdalena Mroczkowska, Damian Garbicz, Tomasz Pilżys, Michał Marcinkowski, Jan Piwowarski, and Elżbieta Grzesiuk |
Vol. 72, 4 |
Correction to: 2′-Deoxy-2′-azidonucleoside analogs: synthesis and evaluation of antitumor and antimicrobial activity |
991 |
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991 |
Adam Mieczkowski, Patrycja Wińska, Marta Kaczmarek, Magdalena Mroczkowska, Damian Garbicz, Tomasz Pilżys, Michał Marcinkowski, Jan Piwowarski, and Elżbieta Grzesiuk |
Vol. 72, 4 |
Dicationic ionic liquids as new feeding deterrents |
2457 |
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2466 |
Damian K. Kaczmarek, Kamil Czerniak, and Tomasz Klejdysz |
Vol. 72, 10 |
The long-term studies of osmotic membrane distillation |
99 |
– |
107 |
Marek Gryta |
Vol. 72, 1 |
The application of ultrafiltration for treatment of ships generated oily wastewater |
1165 |
– |
1173 |
Krzysztof Karakulski and Marek Gryta |
Vol. 71, 6 |
Erratum to: Fatty acids and amino acids of entomopathogenic fungus Conidiobolus coronatus grown on minimal and rich media |
1183 |
– |
1183 |
Marek Gołębiowski, Aleksandra Ostachowska, Monika Paszkiewicz, Mieczysława I. Boguś, Emilia Włóka, Marta Ligęza-Żuber, and Piotr Stepnowski |
Vol. 71, 6 |
Dicarboxylic acids and hydroxy fatty acids in different species of fungi |
999 |
– |
1005 |
Aleksandra Ostachowska, Piotr Stepnowski, and Marek Gołębiowski |
Vol. 71, 5 |
The application of polypropylene membranes for production of fresh water from brines by membrane distillation |
775 |
– |
784 |
Marek Gryta |
Vol. 71, 4 |
Application of carbon nanotubes as solid-phase extraction sorbent for analysis of chlorophenols in water samples |
831 |
– |
839 |
Marek Gołębiowski, Piotr Stepnowski, and Danuta Leszczyńska |
Vol. 71, 4 |
Formation of bacterial and fungal biofilm on conducting polyaniline |
505 |
– |
512 |
Nikola Mikušová, Petr Humpolíček, Jan Růžička, Zdenka Capáková, Kristýna Janů, Věra Kašpárková, Patrycja Bober, Jaroslav Stejskal, Marek Koutný, Katerina Filatová, Marián Lehocký, and Petr Ponížil |
Vol. 71, 2 |
Degradability of cross-linked polyurethanes based on synthetic polyhydroxybutyrate and modified with polylactide |
2243 |
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2251 |
Joanna Brzeska, Magda Morawska, Wanda Sikorska, Agnieszka Tercjak, Marek Kowalczuk, and Maria Rutkowska |
Vol. 71, 11 |
Progress in emerging techniques for characterization of immobilized viable whole-cell biocatalysts |
2309 |
– |
2324 |
Marek Bučko, Alica Vikartovská, Andrea Schenkmayerová, Ján Tkáč, Jaroslav Filip, Dušan ChorvátJr., Vilém Neděla, Marion B. Ansorge-Schumacher, and Peter Gemeiner |
Vol. 71, 11 |
Flow field in a downward diverging channel and its application |
1106 |
– |
1116 |
Marek Večeř and Kamil Wichterle |
Vol. 70, 8 |
Application of vacuum membrane distillation for concentration of organic solutions‡ |
737 |
– |
746 |
Marek Gryta and Marta Waszak |
Vol. 70, 6 |
Membranes with a plasma deposited titanium isopropoxide layer |
350 |
– |
355 |
Irena Gancarz, Marek Bryjak, Joanna Wolska, Anna Siekierka, and Wojciech Kujawski |
Vol. 70, 3 |
Slow pyrolysis of pre-dried sewage sludge |
1479 |
– |
1492 |
Marek Staf and Petr Buryan |
Vol. 70, 11 |
The aza-Pudovik reaction accelerated in external constant magnetic field |
1529 |
– |
1532 |
Rafał Karpowicz, Jarosław Lewkowski, Marta Morawska, Ewa Miękoś, and Marek Zieliński |
Vol. 70, 11 |
Fatty acids and amino acids of entomopathogenic fungus Conidiobolus coronatus grown on minimal and rich media |
1360 |
– |
1369 |
Marek Gołębiowski, Aleksandra Ostachowska, Monika Paszkiewicz, Mieczysława I. Boguś, Emilia Włóka, Marta Ligęza-Żuber, and Piotr Stepnowski |
Vol. 70, 10 |
Microfiltration of post-fermentation broth with backflushing membrane cleaning |
544 |
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552 |
Marek Gryta and Wirginia Tomczak |
Vol. 69, 4 |
Mass transfer examination in electrodialysis using limiting current measurements |
553 |
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559 |
Natália Káňavová, Anna Krejčí, Martina Benedeková, Marek Doležel, and Lubomír Machuča |
Vol. 69, 4 |
Electrolytic preparation of nanosized Cu/Ni–Cu multilayered coatings |
462 |
– |
469 |
Andrea Morovská Turoňová, Marek Capik, Renáta Oriňáková, and Miroslav Gál |
Vol. 69, 3 |
Synthesis of potential inhibitors of glycosyltransferases representing UDP-GlcNAc |
339 |
– |
347 |
Marek Baráth, Miroslav Koóš, Igor Tvaroška, and Ján Hirsch |
Vol. 69, 2 |
Development of transition state analogue inhibitors for N-acetylglycosyltransferases bearing D-psicoor D-tagatofuranose scaffolds |
348 |
– |
357 |
Marek Baráth, Chun-Hung Lin, Igor Tvaroška, and Ján Hirsch |
Vol. 69, 2 |
Comparative ESI FT-MS and MALDI-TOF structural analyses of representative human N-linked glycans |
1633 |
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1638 |
Zuzana Pakanová, Marek Nemčovič, Peter Bystrický, Mária Matulová, Vladimír Pätoprstý, Iain B. H. Wilson, and Ján Mucha |
Vol. 69, 12 |
Enzymatic sensor of putrescine with optical oxygen transducer – mathematical model of responses of sensitive layer |
158 |
– |
166 |
Lucie Maixnerová, Alexandar Horvitz, Gabriela Kuncová, Michal Přibyl, Marek Šebela, and Martin Koštejn |
Vol. 69, 1 |
Montmorillonite intercalated with SiO2, SiO2-Al2O3 or SiO2-TiO2 pillars by surfactant-directed method as catalytic supports for DeNOx process |
1219 |
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1227 |
Lucjan Chmielarz, Andrzej Kowalczyk, Magdalena Wojciechowska, Paweł Boroń, Barbara Dudek, and Marek Michalik |
Vol. 68, 9 |
Scale-adaptive simulation of liquid mixing in an agitated vessel equipped with eccentric HE 3 impeller |
899 |
– |
912 |
Marek Dománski, Joanna Karcz, and Marcelina Bitenc |
Vol. 68, 7 |
Fouling of nanofiltration membranes used for separation of fermented glycerol solutions |
757 |
– |
765 |
Justyna Bastrzyk, Marek Gryta, and Krzysztof Karakulski |
Vol. 68, 6 |
Determination of mercury species using thermal desorption analysis in AAS |
427 |
– |
434 |
Pavel Coufalík, Ondřej Zvěřina, and Josef Komárek |
Vol. 68, 4 |
Mercury associated with size-fractionated urban particulate matter: three years of sampling in Prague, Czech Republic |
197 |
– |
202 |
Ondřej Zvěřina, Pavel Coufalík, Josef Komárek, Petr Gadas, and Jiřina Sysalová |
Vol. 68, 2 |
Effects of temperature and concentration on mechanism and kinetics of thermally induced deposition from coffee extracts |
1755 |
– |
1766 |
Marek Kroslak, Massimo Morbidelli, and Jan Sefcik |
Vol. 68, 12 |
Asymmetric deformation of bubble shape: cause or effect of vortex-shedding? |
74 |
– |
79 |
Kamil Wichterle, Marek Večeř, and Marek C. Růžička |
Vol. 68, 1 |
Evaluation of waste products in the synthesis of surfactants by yeasts |
1113 |
– |
1122 |
Ewelina Dzięgielewska and Marek Adamczak |
Vol. 67, 9 |
Treatment of effluents from a membrane bioreactor by nanofiltration using tubular membranes |
1164 |
– |
1171 |
Krzysztof Karakulski, Marek Gryta, and Justyna Bastrzyk |
Vol. 67, 9 |
Effect of flow-rate on ethanol separation in membrane distillation process |
1201 |
– |
1209 |
Marek Gryta |
Vol. 67, 9 |
Nutritional, antioxidant, and glycaemic characteristics of new functional bread |
284 |
– |
291 |
Lucia Mikušová, Petra Gereková, Monika Kocková, Ernest Šturdík, Martina Valachovičová, Andrea Holubková, Marek Vajdák, and Ľubomír Mikuš |
Vol. 67, 3 |
Mercury characterisation in urban particulate matter |
186 |
– |
193 |
Ondřej Zvěřina, Rostislav Červenka, Josef Komárek, and Jiřina Sysalová |
Vol. 67, 2 |
Effect of viscosity of a liquid membrane containing oleyl alcohol on the pertraction of butyric acid |
1560 |
– |
1568 |
Marek Blahušiak, Ján Marták, Fernando Miranda, Štefan Schlosser, and José A. Teixeira |
Vol. 67, 12 |
Effect of reactants’ concentration on the ratio and yield of E,Z isomers of isatin-3-(4-phenyl)semicarbazone and N-methylisatin-3-(4-phenyl)semicarbazone |
117 |
– |
126 |
Klaudia Jakusová, Martin Gáplovský, Jana Donovalová, Marek Cigáň, Henrieta Stankovičová, Robert Sokolík, Jan Gašpar, and Anton Gáplovský |
Vol. 67, 1 |
Ethanol production in a bioreactor with an integrated membrane distillation module |
85 |
– |
91 |
Marta Barancewicz and Marek Gryta |
Vol. 66, 2 |
Wettability of polypropylene capillary membranes during the membrane distillation process |
92 |
– |
98 |
Marek Gryta |
Vol. 66, 2 |
Immobilization in biotechnology and biorecognition: from macro- to nanoscale systems |
983 |
– |
998 |
Marek Bučko, Danica Mislovičová, Jozef Nahálka, Alica Vikartovská, Jana Šefčovičová, Jaroslav Katrlík, Ján Tkáč, Peter Gemeiner, Igor Lacík, Vladimír Štefuca, Milan Polakovič, Michal Rosenberg, Martin Rebroš, Daniela Šmogrovičová, and Juraj Švitel |
Vol. 66, 11 |
Application of 2-(octylsulphanyl)benzoic acid as Pb2+ selective ionophore in hybrid membrane system |
26 |
– |
32 |
Andrzej Oberta, Janusz Wasilewski, Marek Świątkowski, and Romuald Wódzki |
Vol. 66, 1 |
New approach to regeneration of an ionic liquid containing solvent by molecular distillation |
603 |
– |
607 |
Marek Blahušiak, Štefan Schlosser, Ján Cvengroš, and Ján Marták |
Vol. 65, 5 |
Mass-transfer in pertraction of butyric acid by phosphonium ionic liquids and dodecane |
608 |
– |
619 |
Ján Marták, Štefan Schlosser, and Marek Blahušiak |
Vol. 65, 5 |
Fast ferritin immunoassay on PDMS microchips |
246 |
– |
250 |
Walter Schrott, Marek Nebyla, Lucie Meisterová, and Michal Přibyl |
Vol. 65, 2 |
Determination of catechin and epicatechin in the peel of apple varieties resistant and non-resistant to apple scab |
729 |
– |
733 |
Marek Gołębiowski, Edmund Maliński, Małgorzata Szankin, Mariusz Marszeniuk, Monika Paszkiewicz, and et al. |
Vol. 64, 6 |
Simulation of a hybrid fermentation-separation process for production of butyric acid |
213 |
– |
222 |
Marek Blahušiak, Štefan Schlosser, and Ján Marták |
Vol. 64, 2 |
Copper determination using ICP-MS with hexapole collision cell |
512 |
– |
519 |
Vladislav Chrastný and Michael Komárek |
Vol. 63, 5 |
Calcium sulphate scaling in membrane distillation process |
146 |
– |
151 |
Marek Gryta |
Vol. 63, 2 |
Influence of reaction medium composition on enzymatic synthesis of galactooligosaccharides and lactulose from lactose concentrates prepared from whey permeate |
111 |
– |
116 |
Marek Adamczak, Danuta Charubin, and Włlodzimierz Bednarski |
Vol. 63, 2 |
Membrane processes used for separation of effluents from wire productions |
205 |
– |
211 |
Krzysztof Karakulski, Marek Gryta, and Antoni W. Morawski |
Vol. 63, 2 |
Comparison of different technologies for alginate beads production |
364 |
– |
374 |
Ulf Prüsse, Luca Bilancetti, Marek Bučko, Branko Bugarski, Jozef Bukowski, Peter Gemeiner, Dorota Lewińska, Verica Manojlovic, Benjamin Massart, Claudio Nastruzzi, Viktor Nedovic, Denis Poncelet, Swen Siebenhaar, Lucien Tobler, Azzurra Tosi, and Alica Vikarto |
Vol. 62, 4 |
Thallium fractionation in polluted environmental samples using a modified BCR three-step sequential extraction procedure and its determination by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry |
168 |
– |
175 |
Ján Medved’, Milan Kališ, Ingrid Hagarová, Peter Matúš, Marek Bujdoš, and Jana Kubová |
Vol. 62, 2 |
Chemical pretreatment of feed water for membrane distillation |
100 |
– |
105 |
Marek Gryta |
Vol. 62, 1 |
Analysis of Reaction-Transport Phenomena in a Microfluidic System for the Detection of IgG |
434 |
– |
440 |
M. Přibyl, V. Knápková, D. Šnita, and M. Marek |
Vol. 59, 6a |
Oxalatooxoperoxo Complexes of Vanadium(V) with Organic Cations |
158 |
– |
161 |
P. Schwendt, P. Švančárek, F. Pavelčík, and J. Marek |
Vol. 56, 3 |
Mathematical Modelling of an Enzymatic Separating Microreactor |
339 |
– |
344 |
F. Tměj, P. Hasal, Z. Limbergová, R. Chmelíková, and M. Marek |
Vol. 55, 6 |
Transformation of Streptococcus bovis Protoplast by Plasmid pJT |
301 |
– |
301 |
M. Mareková, M. Morovský, and P. Javorský |
Vol. 52, SI |
Western Blotting Profile of IGF I Binding Proteins (IGFBPs)
in Patients on Total Parenteral Nutrition Treated
with Recombinant Human Growth Hormone (rhGH) |
795 |
– |
796 |
V. Justová, J. Marek, Z. Lacinová, V. Melenovský, and J. Kábrt |
Vol. 52, 6 |
(+)-Catechin: Benzoyl Protection of OH Groups and NMR Study of Products |
107 |
– |
110 |
R. Marek, A. de Degroot, R. Dommisse, G. Lemiére, and M. Potáček |
Vol. 51, 2 |
The Crystal and Molecular Structure of 3-Phenyl-5-benzyl-6-oxo-1,6-dihydro-1,2,4-triazine |
51 |
– |
53 |
Z. Trávníček, K. Nálepa, and J. Marek |
Vol. 49, 2 |
Determination of magnesium by flame AAS detection with flow injection analysis |
339 |
– |
346 |
V. Kubáň, J. Komárek, D. Čajková, and Z. Zdráhal |
Vol. 44, 3 |
Estimation of nitrogen functional-groups by reaction gas-chromatography frontal technique Azoxy compounds, triazene and pentaza-1,4-diene derivatives |
773 |
– |
780 |
K. Ventura, K. Komárek, J. Churáček, H. Davidová, J. Langhans, and J. Šalamoun |
Vol. 42, 6 |
Estimation of nitrogen functional-groups by reaction gas-chromatography - frontal technique Oximes, semicarbazones, nitroanilines, and amino-acids |
621 |
– |
629 |
K. Ventura, K. Komárek, J. Churáček, J. Šafář, and R. Kreuzig |
Vol. 42, 5 |
Polarographic reduction of 2-carboxybenzophenone derivatives. IV. Reduction of p'-substituted p-nitro-o-aroylbenzoic acids |
52 |
– |
55 |
V. Marek |
Vol. 29, 1 |
Polarographic reduction of 2-carboxybenzophenone derivatives. III. Reduction of oximes of o-benzoylbenzoic acid |
355 |
– |
359 |
V. Marek |
Vol. 28, 3 |
Deactivation of the reduction product of p-benzoylbenzaldehyde |
360 |
– |
365 |
V. Marek and J. Mollin |
Vol. 28, 3 |
Polarographic reduction of 2-carboxybenzophenone derivatives. II. Reduction of esters of 2-benzoylbenzoic acid |
787 |
– |
791 |
V. Marek |
Vol. 27, 6 |
Polarographic reduction of 2-carboxybenzophenone derivatives. I. Reduction of 4'-substituted aroylbenzoic acids |
467 |
– |
476 |
V. Marek |
Vol. 27, 4 |
Výsledky farmaceutické výroby v pětiletce a j e j í vývoj v budoucnosti |
213 |
– |
220 |
S. Marek |
Vol. 9, 4 |
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