ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Author: Molnár

Adsorption of recombinant human erythropoietin and protein impurities on a multimodal chromatography membrane 1805 1811
Tomáš Kurák, Tomáš Molnár, and Milan Polakovič Vol. 73, 7
Cost-effective indirect ELISA method for determination of recombinant human erythropoietin in production streams 713 718
Tomáš Molnár, Mária Bartošová, Monika Antošová, Ľudovít Škultéty, and Milan Polakovič Vol. 73, 3
Extraction in the Ni(II)--Organic Ligand--Polymethine Dye--Organic Solvent System and its Application for the Spectrophotometric Determination of Nickel 343 346
I. S. Balogh, J. Molnár, and V. Andruch Vol. 59, 5
Study of Hyaluronan Degradation by Means of Rotational Viscometry: Contribution of the Material of Viscometer 348 352
M. Stankovská, L. Šoltés, A. Vikartovská, R. Mendichi, D. Lath, M. Molnárová, and P. Gemeiner Vol. 58, 5
Reliable Risk Estimation in the Risk Analysis of Chemical Industry. Case Study: Ammonia Storage Pressurized Spherical Tank 48 54
Š. Jelemenský, J. Harišová, A. Molnár, and J. Markoš Vol. 58, 1
Analysis and Characterization of Membrane Fouling of Ultrafiltration Separation for Oil-in-Water Emulsion 16 20
X. Hu, E. Bekassy-Molnar, and Gy. Vatai Vol. 57, 1
Accuracy of Mathematical Model with Regard to Safety Analysis of Chemical Reactors 357 361
A. Molnár, J. Markoš, and Ľ. Jelemenský Vol. 56, 6
Occurence of Restriction and Modification Systems in Ruminal Selenomonades 284 284
V. Molnárová, P. Javorský, and P. Pristaš Vol. 52, SI
Catecholamine levels in hypothalamus, pineal and adrenal gland after whole body irradiation and hormone stimulations 448 448
B. Pastorova, M. Molnarova, J. Halagan, L. Slesarova, and A. Stanikova Vol. 52, SI
The protective effect of ROBORAN H after whole-body gamma-irradiation (4.8 Gy) of ewes 608 608
M. Molnarova, L. Slesarova, A. Stanikova, A. Pastorova, and A. Halagan Vol. 52, SI
Gamma-glutamyl transferase and peptidases from separated duodenal brush border membrane of swine in lectin-bound interaction 613 614
L. Slesarova, M. Molnarova, A. Orinak, Z. Dicakova, E. Scurokova, and S. Ivanko Vol. 52, SI
Effect of Pentosan Polysulfate on the Thermal Stability of Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase 799 799
M. Molnárová, H. Paulíková, and D. Podhradský Vol. 52, 6
Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction of aluminium in aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide 229 235
M. Miadoková and M. Molnárová-Plchová Vol. 39, 2
10-Oxomorphine, a decomposition product of morphine 710 714
B. Proksa, Z. Votický, L. Molnár, J. Putek, and M. Štefek Vol. 32, 5
Polarographic study of 3,5-dioxopyrazolidines 366 369
L. Molnár, B. Proksa, and H. Szőcsová Vol. 28, 3
Determination of Small Amounts of Thiacetazone in Serum 928 933
D. Stangelová, L. Molnár, and A. Lukáčová Vol. 23, 11-12
Academician Jaroslav Heyrovský 75 years old 155 157
L. Molnár Vol. 20, 2
Oscillopolarographic observation of the cleavage of the lactone rings and isomerization of cardioactive glycosides. I. Cardenolides 355 362
L. Molnár and K. Molnárová Vol. 18, 5-6
Catalog system for recording oscillopolarograms in the atlas form 264 265
L. Molnár Vol. 16, 4-5
Oscillopolarographic study of keto compounds. I. Alkyl, aryl alkyl, and diaryl ketones 783 797
L. Molnár, K. Molnárová, and E. Benická Vol. 14, 11-12
A new electronic device for recording oscillographic polarograms with one cycle of alternating current 849 858
L. Molnár and E. Biró Vol. 14, 11-12
An oscillopolarographic determination of quinine alkaloids 21 31
L. Molnár and K. Molnárová Vol. 14, 1
Oscillopolarographic characterization of veratrum alkaloids 287 303
L. Molnár and K. Molnárová Vol. 12, 5
Oscillographic and polarographic determination of quinine alkaloids 259 266
L. Molnár and K. Molnárová Vol. 11, 5
Quantitative oscillographic polarography with a double tube oscillator 227 234
L. Molnár and K. Molnárová Vol. 10, 4
Paper chromatographic determination of oxydimorphine in the presence of morphine 580 589
O. Markovič, L. Molnár, and J. Tomko Vol. 8, 9
Isolation and determination of honeybee poison 80 90
O. Markovič and L. Molnár Vol. 8, 2-3
The analytical determination of l-phenylacetylcarbinol 289 297
L. Molnár and Š. Bauer Vol. 7, 5-6
Sedative effects of diphenylimidazolidine derivatives 107 128
L. Molnár, F. Selecký, and J. Tamchyna Vol. 7, 1-2

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