ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Author: Polakovic
New phosphonium ionic liquid with neodecanoate anion as butyric acid extractant |
3965 |
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3977 |
Ján Marták, Tibor Liptaj, Milan Polakovič, and Štefan Schlosser |
Vol. 75, 8 |
Adsorption of recombinant human erythropoietin and protein impurities on a multimodal chromatography membrane |
1805 |
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1811 |
Tomáš Kurák, Tomáš Molnár, and Milan Polakovič |
Vol. 73, 7 |
Cost-effective indirect ELISA method for determination of recombinant human erythropoietin in production streams |
713 |
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718 |
Tomáš Molnár, Mária Bartošová, Monika Antošová, Ľudovít Škultéty, and Milan Polakovič |
Vol. 73, 3 |
Editorial |
1 |
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2 |
Milan Polakovič |
Vol. 71, 1 |
Founding father of Slovak chemical engineering Elemír Kossaczký (Ľubietová, 13.6.1924 — Bratislava, 5.5.2014) |
1623 |
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1624 |
Milan Polakovič |
Vol. 68, 12 |
Production of fructosyltransferase in mechanically stirred and air-lift bioreactors |
1639 |
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1648 |
Marcela Šedová, Viera Illeová, Monika Antošová, Július Annus, and Milan Polakovič |
Vol. 68, 12 |
Effect of temperature on the equilibrium and kinetics of galactose, glucose, and lactose adsorption on a cation exchanger |
1649 |
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1655 |
Łukasz Wiśniewski, Katarína Vaňková, Pavel Ačai, and Milan Polakovič |
Vol. 68, 12 |
Fifty years of the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava — brief history of research |
1479 |
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1484 |
Milan Polakovič |
Vol. 67, 12 |
Equilibrium and kinetics of protein binding on ion-exchange cellulose membranes with grafted polymer layer |
1527 |
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1536 |
Ivana Tatárová, Peter Dreveňák, Anna Kosior, and Milan Polakovič |
Vol. 67, 12 |
Modeling of equilibrium and kinetics of human polyclonal immunoglobulin G adsorption on a tentacle cation exchanger |
1537 |
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1547 |
Katarzyna Wrzosek, Pavel Ačai, Michal Gramblička, and Milan Polakovič |
Vol. 67, 12 |
Influence of the ionic form of a cation-exchange adsorbent on chromatographic separation of galactooligosaccharides |
583 |
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588 |
Juraj Moravčík, Michal Gramblička, Łukasz Wiśniewski, Katarína Vaňková, and Milan Polakovič |
Vol. 66, 6 |
Immobilization in biotechnology and biorecognition: from macro- to nanoscale systems |
983 |
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998 |
Marek Bučko, Danica Mislovičová, Jozef Nahálka, Alica Vikartovská, Jana Šefčovičová, Jaroslav Katrlík, Ján Tkáč, Peter Gemeiner, Igor Lacík, Vladimír Štefuca, Milan Polakovič, Michal Rosenberg, Martin Rebroš, Daniela Šmogrovičová, and Juraj Švitel |
Vol. 66, 11 |
Impact of ionic strength on adsorption capacity of chromatographic particles employed in separation of monoclonal antibodies |
461 |
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468 |
Katarzyna Wrzosek, Michal Gramblička, Darina Tóthová, Monika Antošová, and Milan Polakovič |
Vol. 64, 4 |
Selection of a method for determination of activity of pectinolytic enzymes in berry fruit materials |
677 |
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682 |
Alina Jakób, Jolanta Bryjak, and Milan Polakovič |
Vol. 63, 6 |
Design and economics of industrial production of fructooligosaccharides |
375 |
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381 |
Katarína Vaňková, Zdenka Onderková, Monika Antošová, and Milan Polakovič |
Vol. 62, 4 |
Properties of fructosyltransferase from Aureobasidium pullulans immobilized on an acrylic carrier |
359 |
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363 |
Z. Onderková, J. Bryjak, and M. Polakovič |
Vol. 61, 5 |
Z. Platková, M. Polakovič, V. Štefuca, M. Vandáková, and M. Antošová: Selection of Carrier for Immobilization of Fructosyltransferase from Aureobasidium pullulans |
150 |
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150 |
Z. Onderková, M. Polakovič, V. Štefuca, M. Vandáková, and M. Antošová |
Vol. 61, 2 |
Selection of carrier for immobilization of fructosyltransferase from Aureobasidium pullulans |
469 |
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472 |
Z. Platková, M. Polakovič, V. Štefuca, M. Vandáková, and M. Antošová |
Vol. 60, 6 |
Design and Economics of Industrial Production of Fructosyltransferase |
441 |
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448 |
K. Vaňková, M. Antošová, and M. Polakovič |
Vol. 59, 6a |
Sensitivity Analysis of Transport Parameters Estimated from the Adsorption/Desorption Column Experiments to the Errors in Equilibrium Data |
435 |
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441 |
I. Tatárová and M. Polakovič |
Vol. 58, 6 |
Optimization of Cultivation Conditions for Production of Fructosyltransferase by Aureobasidium pullulans |
15 |
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22 |
M. Vandáková, Z. Platková, M. Antošová, V. Báleš, and M. Polakovič |
Vol. 58, 1 |
Theoretical Study of Discrimination of Mechanisms of Thermal Inactivation of Urease by Monitoring its Oligomeric Composition |
64 |
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70 |
V. Illeová and M. Polakovič |
Vol. 58, 1 |
30th International Conference of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, 26—30 May 2003, Tatranské Matliare |
385 |
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385 |
M. Polakovič |
Vol. 57, 6 |
29th International Conference of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, 27-31 May 2002, Tatranské Matliare |
355 |
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356 |
M. Polakovič |
Vol. 56, 6 |
Effect of Sucrose Concentration and Cultivation Time on Batch Production of Fructosyltransferase by Aureobasidium pullulans CCY 27-1-1194 |
394 |
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399 |
M. Antošová, M. Polakovič, M. Slovinská, A. Madlová, V. Illeová, and V. Báleš |
Vol. 56, 6 |
Synthesis, Physicochemical Properties, and Conformational Studies of (3-Alkoxymethyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)ethanones |
256 |
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260 |
R. Čižmáriková, M. Polakovičová, and E. Mišíková |
Vol. 56, 4 |
28th International Conference of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, 21-25 May 2001, Tatranské Matliare |
337 |
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337 |
M. Polakovič |
Vol. 55, 6 |
Fructosyltransferases: The Enzymes Catalyzing Production of Fructooligosaccharides |
350 |
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358 |
M. Antošová and M. Polakovič |
Vol. 55, 6 |
In Memoriam Professor Ing. Július Surový, DrSc. - Obituary |
207 |
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207 |
E. Graczová and M. Polakovič |
Vol. 55, 3 |
The Field Sampling Method for the Speciation of Chromium in Waters |
100 |
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103 |
V. Streško, J. Polakovičová, and A. Čelková |
Vol. 55, 2 |
Importance of Chemomechanical Processes for the Applications of Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Films in Power Capacitors. I. Phenomenological Model of Interaction |
1 |
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6 |
J. Polakovič |
Vol. 55, 1 |
Thermal Stability of Fructosyltransferase from Aureobasidium pullulans |
339 |
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344 |
A. Madlová, M. Antošová, M. Polakovič, and V. Báleš |
Vol. 54, 6a |
27th Conference of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, May 22-26, 2000, Tatranské Matliare |
407 |
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407 |
M. Polakovič |
Vol. 54, 6a |
26th Conference of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering |
347 |
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348 |
M. Polakovič |
Vol. 53, 6 |
Monitoring of Soluble Enzyme Activity by Enzyme Flow
Microcalorimetry |
362 |
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365 |
V. Štefuca and M. Polakovič |
Vol. 53, 6 |
Screening of Microorganisms for Transfructosylating Activity
and Optimization of Biotransformation of Sucrose
to Fructooligosaccharides |
366 |
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369 |
A. Madlová, M. Antošová, M. Baráthová, M. Polakovič, V. Štefuca, and V. Báleš |
Vol. 53, 6 |
Július Surový Celebrates his 70th Birthday |
84 |
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84 |
M. Polakovič and E. Kossaczký |
Vol. 53, 1 |
Kinetics of biospecific sorption of invertase on beaded cellulose with immobilized Concanavalin A |
549 |
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549 |
D. Mislovicova, M. Polakovic, and V. Stefuca |
Vol. 52, SI |
Changes of Dichroism in Polypropylene Films |
119 |
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121 |
V. Adamčík, J. Polakovič, and K. Miglierini |
Vol. 48, 2 |
Determination of Niobium and Tantalum in Geological Materials by Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
with Inductively Coupled Plasma |
225 |
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229 |
J. Kubová, J. Polakovičová, V. Streško, and J. Medveď |
Vol. 47, 4 |
Ion radicals of substituted 2-furylethenetricarbonitriles (an ESR, quantum-chemical, and electrochemical study) |
177 |
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190 |
A. Staško, D. Berkeš, S. Biskupič, P. Pelikán, and J. Polakovič |
Vol. 43, 2 |
Furan derivatives. CLIV. Synthesis of 5-nitrofuran type cyclopropanes by a reaction of diazomethane with α,β-unsaturated sulfones |
394 |
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398 |
A. Jurášek, D. Polakovičová, M. Dandárová, and J. Kováč |
Vol. 34, 3 |
New Complexanes. XXI. Complex-forming Properties of the N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)arninornethylphosphoiiic Acid |
161 |
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172 |
R. Karlíček, J. Majer, and J. Polakovičová |
Vol. 24, 3 |
Coagulation-regeneration parameters of modified viscoses |
590 |
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597 |
A. Pikler and Š. Polakovičová |
Vol. 14, 8 |
Evaluation of wood celluloses during acetylation |
234 |
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239 |
A. Pikler, Š. Polakovičová, and L. Chodák |
Vol. 14, 3 |
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