ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Author: Proks

Talaromyces flavus and its metabolites 696 714
Bohumil Proksa Vol. 64, 6
Determination of dissociation degrees of K3NbF8 and K3TaF8 by thermodynamic analysis of subsystems of the KF-K2NbF7 and KF-K2TaF7 systems 616 622
Ladislav Kosa and Ivo Proks Vol. 62, 6
Optical Resolution of Ethyl 2-(Benzylamino)-4-oxo-4-phenylbutanoate with Tartaric Acid A Practical Synthesis of D-Homophenylalanine 350 354
D. Berkeš, J. Lopuch, B. Proksa, and F. Považanec Vol. 57, 5
Cryoscopy in Solvents with Dystectic Melting 71 76
I. Proks, V. Daněk, M. Chrenková, F. Šimko, and Z. Pánek Vol. 56, 2
Thermodynamic Equilibrium between Melt and Crystalline Phase of a Compound AgBrwith Dystectic Melting Point. III. Application to the Systems KF-K3TiF7 and KCl-K3TiF6Cl 137 141
I. Proks and V. Daněk Vol. 55, 3
Thermodynamic Equilibrium between Melt and Crystalline Phase of a Compound AqBr with Dystectic Melting Point.  IV. Application to the Systems NaF—NaMgF3 and KF—KMgF3 142 144
I. Proks and V. Daněk Vol. 55, 3
Separation of Products of Thebaine Rearrangement by Capillary Electrophoresis in the Presence of Cyclodextrins 196 201
B. Proksa Vol. 55, 3
Thermodynamic Equilibrium between Melt and Crystalline Phase of a Compound AqBr with Dystectic Melting Point. II. Application to the Systems KF—K3FMo04 and KF—K3FW04 59 66
I. Proks, V. Daněk, L. Kosa, and K. Adamkovičová Vol. 55, 2
Thermodynamic Equilibrium between Melt and Crystalline Phase of a Compound AqBr with Dystectic Melting Point I. Theoretical Approach 61 65
I. Proks, V. Daněk, L. Kosa, I. Nerád, and K. Adamkovičová Vol. 54, 2
Separation of Derivatives of l-(2-Hydroxypropyl)-2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis 276 279
B. Proksa, M. Koóš, and B. Steiner Vol. 51, 5
Hydroxyfuniculosic and Funiculosic Acids, Metabolites of Penicillium vermiculatum 21 24
B. Proksa, M. Šturdíková, M. Nahálková, and J. Fuska Vol. 50, 1
The Slope Calculation of Tangent Line to the Liquidus Curve at Dystectic Melting Point of a Compound AqBr in a Phase Diagram of an A—AqBr System 1 4
I. Nerád, J. Strečko, I. Proks, K. Adamkovičová, and L. Kosa Vol. 49, 1
Determination of the Dissociation Degree and Dissociation Enthalpy in a Melt of a Compound AB with the Dystectic Melting Point Application to the Compounds Na3FS04 and K3FS04 5 12
I. Proks, J. Strečko, I. Nerád, K. Adamkovičová, and L. Kosa Vol. 49, 1
Thermodynamically Consistent Composition Dependence of Quantities of Mixture in Multicomponent Systems 367 370
J. Strečko and I. Proks Vol. 48, 6
(-)-Mitorubrinic Acid, a New Metabolite of Penicillium vermiculatum DANG. F-852 429 432
B. Proksa, T. Liptaj, N. Prónayová, and J. Fuska Vol. 48, 6
Thermodynamic Calculation of Phase Diagrams  of Systems in which One Component Undergoes Thermal Dissociation 7 10
V. Daněk and I. Proks Vol. 48, 1
Reaction of Cyclobuxine D with Epoxides 268 270
B. Proksa, B. Steiner, and M. Koóš Vol. 47, 4
Cryometric Analysis of the Phase Diagrams  of Pseudobinary Systems of the System CaO • Si02 (CS)-2CaO • Al203 • Si02 (C2AS)-CaO - Al203 - 2Si02 (CAS2) 2. Results of the Analysis. 169 174
M. Eliášová, O. Žigo, and I. Proks Vol. 47, 3
Determination of Molar Gibbs Energies and Entropies of Mixing of Melts in Binary Subsystems of the System CaO • Si02—2CaO • Al203 • Si02—CaO • Al203 • 2Si02. 1. Theoretical Part. 2CaO • Al203 • Si02—CaO • Al203 • 2Si02 System 3 7
I. Proks, J. Strečko, L. Kosa, I. Nerád, and K. Adamkovičová Vol. 47, 1
Determination of Molar Gibbs Energies and Entropies of Mixing of Melts in Binary Subsystems of the System CaO • Si02—2CaO • Al203 • Si02—CaO • Al203 • 2Si02. 2. The System CaO • Si02—CaO • Al203 • 2Si0 8 10
L. Kosa, I. Nerád, K. Adamkovičová, J. Strečko, and I. Proks Vol. 47, 1
 Determination of Molar Gibbs Energies and Entropies of Mixing of Melts in Binary Subsystems of the System CaO • Si02—2CaO • Al203 • Si02—CaO • Al203 • 2Si02. 3. The System CaO • Si02—2CaO • Al203 • Si02 11 13
J. Strečko, I. Nerád, L. Kosa, K. Adamkovičová, and I. Proks Vol. 47, 1
5H-Isoindolo[1,2-b][3]benzazepines. 9. The 1H and 13C NMR Spectra of 5H-isoindolo[1,2-b][3]benzazepin-5-ones 339 343
S. Uhrínová, D. Uhrín, M. Hricovíni, and B. Proksa Vol. 46, 5
Cryometric analysis of the phase-diagrams of pseudobinary systems of the system CaO.SiO2(CS)-2CaO.Al2O3.SiO2(C2AS)-CaO.Al2O3.2SiO2 (CAS2). 1. Theoretical part 7 9
I. Proks, M. Eliášová, and O. Žigo Vol. 46, 1
Determination of equilibrium quantities of the systems formed by thermal-decomposition according to the reaction A(cond) reversibleB(cond) + C(g). 2. Divariant equilibrium states at thermal dehydration of CaC2O4 . H2O 721 730
I. Nerád, I. Proks, and S. Šaušová Vol. 45, 6
Secondary metabolites of Stenactis-annua L. 837 844
B. Proksa, D. Uhrin, and J. Fuska Vol. 45, 6
5H-isoindolo[1,2-b][3]benzazepines. 8. Synthesis of derivatives of 5H-isoindolo[1,2-b]isoquinol-5-one 567 573
B. Proksa, D. Uhrín, and A. Vadkerti Vol. 45, 4
5H-isoindolo[1,2-b][3]benzazepines. 7. Cyclization of N-substituted derivatives of narceone imide 95 104
B. Proksa, A. Vadkerti, and D. Uhrín Vol. 45, 1
Structure of hippocastanoside, a new saponin from the seed pericarp of horse-chestnut (Aesculus-hippocastanum L). 1. Structure of the aglycone 783 791
A. Vadkerti, B. Proksa, and Z. Votický Vol. 43, 6
Determination of the enthalpy of crystallization of eutectic melt in the system CaO.Al2O3.2SiO2-CaO.SiO2 481 487
K. Adamkovičová, L. Kosa, I. Proks, and I. Tarina Vol. 43, 4
Determination of the enthalpy of crystallization of eutectic melt in the system 2CaO.Al2O3.SIO2-CaO.SiO2 17 23
K. Adamkovičová, L. Kosa, I. Proks, and I. Tarina Vol. 43, 1
Determination of the enthalpy of crystallization of ternary eutectic melt in the system 2CaO.Al2O3.SIO2 CaO.Al2O3..2SiO2-CaO.SiO2 731 741
K. Adamkovičová, L. Kosa, I. Proks, and O. Žigo Vol. 42, 6
5H-isoindolo[1,2-b][3]benzazepines. 6. Synthesis of 7,8,13,14-tetrahydro-5H-isoindolo[1,2-b]-[3]benzazepin-5-one derivatives 683 689
B. Proksa, D. Uhrín, and A. Vadkerti Vol. 42, 5
 Semisynthetic analogs of Buxus alkaloids 97 103
V. Paulík, B. Proksa, D. Uhrín, A. Vadkerti, and Z. Votický Vol. 42, 1
Determination of the enthalpy of crystallization of eutectic melt in the system 2CaO.Al2O3.SiO2 - CaO.Al2O3. 2SiO2 289 298
L. Kosa, O. Žigo, K. Adamkovičová, and I. Proks Vol. 41, 3
Synthesis of 4-(4-dimethylaminophenyl)-2-methyl-1-pyrroline 413 420
B. Proksa, D. Uhrín, A. Vadkerti, and Z. Votický Vol. 41, 3
Determination of the heat of fusion of 2CaO.Al2O3.SIO2 (gehlenite) 171 181
O. Žigo, K. Adamkovičová, L. Kosa, I. Nerád, and I. Proks Vol. 41, 2
Determination of equilibrium quantities of the systems formed by thermal-decomposition according to the reaction A,cond = B,cond +C,g .1. Experimental equipment 3 11
I. Nerád and I. Proks Vol. 41, 1
Synthesis of N-nornarceine imide 71 77
B. Proksa Vol. 40, 1
Determination of the enthalpy of crystallization of eutectic melt in the system 3CaO.Al2O3-12CaO.7Al2O3-2CaO.SiO2 585 597
B. Švecová, K. Adamkovičová, L. Kosa, and I. Proks Vol. 39, 5
Enthalpy of incongruent decomposition of ЗСаО • Al203 3 13
K. Adamkovičová, L. Kosa, Š. Povraz, and I. Proks Vol. 39, 1
Determination of heats of formation of gadolinium phosphate (GdPO4) and gadolinium phosphate dihydrate (GdPO4∙2H2O) hexagonal modifications 41 48
K. Adamkovičová, I. A Bondar, L. P Mezentseva, L. Kosa, and I. Proks Vol. 38, 1
Identification and determination of by-products of the codeine synthesis 837 842
B. Proksa and J. Černý Vol. 37, 6
Synthesis and properties of α-bromonarceine imide and its derivatives 559 569
B. Proksa, M. Bobáľ, and Š. Kováč Vol. 36, 4
Chromatographic determination of narceine imide 835 840
B. Proksa Vol. 35, 6
 Structure of diluted solutions of the molten system C2MS2—CS at temperatures near the melting point of pure components 602 609
M. Eliášová, L. Kosa, and I. Proks Vol. 34, 5
5,6-Dihydro-8H-isoquinolo[2,3-a]phthalazin-5-ones and 8H-isoquinolo[2,3-c][2,3] benzoxazin-5-ones 241 247
B. Proksa and Z. Votický Vol. 34, 2
Synthesis of 7,8-dihydro-5H-isoindolo[1,2-b][3]benzazepin-5-one from narceine imide N-oxide 248 252
B. Proksa, Z. Votický, and M. Štefek Vol. 34, 2
10-Oxomorphine, a decomposition product of morphine 710 714
B. Proksa, Z. Votický, L. Molnár, J. Putek, and M. Štefek Vol. 32, 5
Calculation of thermodynamic excess functions in binary systems on the basis of isobaric phase equilibria and calorimetric measurements of changes in enthalpy 433 440
I. Proks Vol. 32, 4
Polarographic determination of tropolones 789 791
B. Proksa and J. Fuska Vol. 28, 6
Polarographic study of 3,5-dioxopyrazolidines 366 369
L. Molnár, B. Proksa, and H. Szőcsová Vol. 28, 3
Periodic Thermal Analysis 620 632
I. Proks and I. Zlatovský Vol. 23, 8
The Effect of Admixtures in Solid Phases and of Geometrical Properties of Particles on Equilibrium of the Reaction L(s) = M(s) + N(g) 241 253
I. Proks Vol. 23, 4
Calorimeter for measurement of heats of solution 908 919
I. Proks, M. Eliášová, L. Pach, and I. Zlatovský Vol. 21, 12
Measurement of kinetics of thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate by a thermobalance with a quartz spiral and optical recording 697 715
I. Proks Vol. 20, 10
Calculating extrapolation for the spectroscopic determination of admixtures 830 838
I. Proks, E. Plško, and T. Obert Vol. 17, 12
An apparatus for differential thermal analysis (DTA) at low temperatures 309 314
I. Proks and V. Šiške Vol. 15, 4
First degree of thermal decomposition of dolomite under the condition of fluidization. II 419 429
I. Proks Vol. 12, 7
The first degree of thermal decomposition of dolomite under the conditions of fluidization. I 337 344
I. Proks Vol. 12, 6
Study of CaCO3 ↹ CaO + CO2 reaction by differential thermal analysis 275 283
I. Proks and V. Šiške Vol. 12, 5
Differential thermal analysis of carbonates in carbon dioxide current 201 208
V. Šiške and I. Proks Vol. 12, 4
New arrangement for differential thermal analysis 185 189
V. Šiške and I. Proks Vol. 12, 3
A new modification of optical registration of differential thermal analysis 78 80
I. Proks Vol. 10, 1
Príspevok k diferenčnej termickej analýze uhličitanov 344 354
I. Proks Vol. 9, 6

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