ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Author: Valtýni

Phase-diagram of the system LiF-NaF-Na2SO4 and its thermodynamic analysis. 2. Calculation of the phase diagram according to the molecular model 183 190
P. Fellner, J. Gabčová, and J. Valtýni Vol. 44, 2
Dynamics of adsorption of industrial vapor on carbon sorbent 19 30
M. Chovancová, J. Herain, V. Khandl, A. Moncmanová, and J. Valtýni Vol. 40, 1
Modeling of catalytic reactors with catalyst deactivation. I. Pseudo-homogeneous model of a plug-flow reactor 433 451
J. Ilavský, A. Brunovská, J. Valtýni, and J. Buriánek Vol. 37, 4
Study of the change in the mass-transfer coefficients in differential bed of a sorbent during its saturation with adsorbate 637 644
S. Kachaňák, A. Moncmanová, M. Petríková, J. Valtýni, and A. Žúžiová Vol. 29, 5
Nonisothermal adsorption in a fixed bed of adsorbent 645 652
S. Kachaňák, V. Khandl, A. Moncmanová, M. Petríková, J. Valtýni, and A. Žúžiová Vol. 29, 5
Computation of diffusion coefficient dependence upon concentration from sorption experiments 290 295
A. Brunovská, J. Ilavský, and J. Valtýni Vol. 29, 3
Kinetics and dynamics of gas and vapor adsorption on solid sorbents. V. Verification of the equations of adsorption dynamics in a fixed bed at variable mass-transfer coefficient and at negligible influence of longitudinal diffusion 721 727
Š. Kachaňák, A. Moncmanová, and J. Valtýni Vol. 27, 6
Kinetics and dynamics of gas and vapor adsorption on solid sorbents. IV. Generalization of the definition of similitude criteria 289 295
Š. Kachaňák, A. Moncmanová, and J. Valtýni Vol. 27, 3
Kinetics and Dynamics of Gas and Vapour Adsorption on Solid Sorbents. III. Adsorption Dynamics in Fixed Bed at Variable Value of the Overall Mass-Transfer Coefficient and at Negligible Influence of Longitudinal Diffusion 401 406
Š. Kachaňák, A. Moncmanová, and J. Valtýni Vol. 25, 6
Kinetics and Dynamics of Gas and Vapour Adsorption on Solid Sorbents. II. Adsorption Dynamics in Fixed Bed at Constant Value of the Overall Mass-Transfer Coefficient and at Negligible Influence of Longitudinal Diffusion 259 265
S. Kachaňák, A. Moncmanová, and J. Valtýni Vol. 25, 4
Kinetics and Dynamics of Gas and Vapour Adsorption on Solid Sorbents. I. Material Balances and Similitude Criteria 182 188
Š. Kachaňák, A. Moncmanová, and J. Valtýni Vol. 24, 3
Odvodenie rovníc pre výpočet výšky vrstvy kontinuitne pracujúcich adsorpcných kolón (III) 881 889
Š. Kachaňák and J. Valtýni Vol. 18, 12
Dynamics of absorption in continuous columns based on the Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller theory 378 389
Š. Kachaňák, J. Valtýni, and V. Ewerlingová Vol. 17, 6
Equations for the height of adsorbent in adsorption columns in continuous service. II 709 716
Š. Kachaňák and J. Valtýni Vol. 17, 10-11
Effect of temperature on adsorption on the surface of activated carbon in a continuous process 581 592
Š. Kachaňák and J. Valtýni Vol. 16, 8
Effect of temperature on the adsorption dynamics in continuous columns 505 515
Š. Kachaňák and J. Valtyni Vol. 16, 7
Adsorption dynamics in continuous working columns for active carbon of the first structural type 417 430
Š. Kachaňák, J. Valtýni, and J. Szauderová Vol. 16, 6

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