ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7

Published monthly

Volume 14, Number 11-12 / 1960, Pages 729 – 872

Academician Jaroslav Heyrovský, Nobel prize winner, 70 years old 729 731
Oscillopolarographic behavior of platinum metals 735 742
P. Beran
Oscillographic polarography of hexathiocyanatochromate(III) anion 743 751
E. Fischerová and O. Fischer
Oscillopolarographic behavior of scandium(III) ions 752 755
Ľ. Treindl
Oscillopolarographic determination of foreign matter in food products 757 763
V. Jedlička and A. Pašek
Oscillopolarographic determination of reaction kinetics of alkaline hydrolysis of the tropane-group alkaloids 764 773
G. Dušinský
Oscillographic polarography of steroids 774 782
V. Morávek
Oscillopolarographic study of keto compounds. I. Alkyl, aryl alkyl, and diaryl ketones 783 797
L. Molnár, K. Molnárová, and E. Benická
Oscillographic polarography of nucleic acids 798 806
E. Paleček
Study of organic depolarizers by oscillographic polarography with a controlled current 807 817
J. Volke
Oscillopolarographic study of barbiturates 818 822
J. Prokeš and F. Vorel
Application of oscillographic polarography in microbiology 823 828
D. Kaláb
Theory of the oscillographic polarography with an alternating current 829 833
K. Micka
Artefacts in oscillographic polarography 834 842
M. Heyrovský
Improved arrangement of electrodes in oscillographic determination on filter paper 843 848
Z. Pechan
A new electronic device for recording oscillographic polarograms with one cycle of alternating current 849 858
L. Molnár and E. Biró
Index 873 904

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