ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
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Detection of HBsAg by ELISA using MoFeNiS, MoCoFeS, MoNiCoS, and FeCoNiS nanocomposites
Zeinab Soleimani Sardo and Mostafa Shourian
Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
E-mail: shourian@guilan.ac.ir
Received: 31 December 2023 Accepted: 15 June 2024
The hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes acute and chronic hepatitis. Around 250 million people worldwide have chronic HBV. When hepatitis B surface antigens (HBsAgs) are found in the blood, the person is infected. Using a compassionate and exact approach is critical and beneficial. Immunosensor signal amplification is one of the most effective specific diagnostic procedures in clinical, biological, and environmental settings. In this study, HBsAg was detected by immunoassay using MoFeNiS, MoCoFeS, MoNiCoS, and FeCoNiS nanocomposites coupled to the secondary antibody. Nanocomposites established with negative surface charge, high surface to volume and porosity ratio, magnetic and electrical properties, simple and inexpensive synthesis, and easy dispersion in deionized water, among other qualities. Electrostatic adsorption between the negative surface charges of the nanocomposites and the positive charge established on the surface of antibodies was used to connect these nanocomposites to the anti-HBsAg antibody. Also to ensure the correct connection between the nanocomposites and antibodies, several tests including DLS, zeta potential, UV–Vis, FTIR, and fluorescence spectroscopy were performed before and after the modifications. Finally, the results of this study demonstrated the successful manufacture of safety sensors using these modified nanocomposites, which can detect HBsAg at concentrations ranging from 5.65 pg/mL to 5.65 ng/mL through ELISA immune sandwich absorption system.
Keywords: Immunosensors; Hepatitis B virus; Hepatitis B surface antigen; ELISA; MoFeNiS; MoCoFeS; MoNiCoS; FeCoNiS nanocomposites
Full paper is available at www.springerlink.com.
DOI: 10.1007/s11696-024-03576-2
Chemical Papers 78 (12) 6929–6943 (2024)