ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Electrode Process of Copper and Nickel Deposition on Pressed Iron Powder Electrodes
L. Lux and M. Gálová
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Metallurgy,
Technical University, SK-042 00 Košice
Abstract: Both cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic electrolyses were used for investigating the electrode process of Cu and Ni deposition and dissolution on the surface of electrode formed by pressed Fe powder. Mechanical pretreatment of the powder material by grinding leads in most cases to promotion of the activity of the electrode made of it. Cyclic voltammetry records show negative shift of the anodic dissolution peak of the Fe electrode material pretreated by grinding prior to electrolysis. The peak currents of Cu deposition and dissolution are at ground electrodes higher than at unground ones. Cathodic current efficiency observed in galvanostatic electrolysis of Cu deposition may be considered as uninfluenced by the pretreatment of the electrode Fe powder material. The current efficiency of Ni deposition is in general higher than in the case of Cu deposition and lower at electrodes prepared from material pretreated by grinding when compared with those prepared from untreated Fe powder material.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 485a330.pdf
Chemical Papers 48 (5) 330–333 (1994)