ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
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Cryometric Analysis of the Phase Diagrams of Pseudobinary Systems of the System CaO • Si02 (CS)-2CaO • Al203 • Si02 (C2AS)-CaO - Al203 - 2Si02 (CAS2) 2. Results of the Analysis.
M. Eliášová, O. Žigo, and I. Proks
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences,
CS-842 36 Bratislava
Abstract: Using the cryometric analysis described in [1], we determined a mean value of the sum of number of moles of products ∑i1v(Pi(M))l that were formed when a unit substance amount of ''formula'' admixture M was dissolved in solvent N under the condition of infinitely dilute solutions L(M in N), formed out of components of the system CS-C2AS-CAS2. The value ∑i1v(Pi(M))l is independent of ions Ca2+ present in all investigated melts. For solutions L(CS in C2AS or in CAS2) the value of∑i1v(Pi(CS))l is-an-element-of [0.02; 0.06). Hence admixture CS contains polymeric ions of probable mean composition (SiO3)n2n- (n >> 2). For solutions L( C2AS or CAS2 in CS) ∑i1v(Pi(M))l is-an-element-of [1.1; 1.5]. When C2AS or CAS2 is added to the melt CS, a formal dissociation of one ''formula'' particle occurs and ''foreign'' particles are formed (n > 1). Approximately we can assume that both types of particle may occur in the melts C2AS and CAS2: a) polymeric ions formed out of n (n is probably a small integer - 2, 3, 4) ''formula'' particles C2AS or CAS2; b) ions Al3+ that are released from the ''formula'' particles at the formal polymerization reaction. For the mutual solutions C2AS and CAS2 it is apparent from the values ∑i1v(Pi(C2AS))l is-an-element-of [0.3; 0.4] and ∑i1v(Pi(CAS2))l is-an-element-of [0.1; 0.3] that mutually different polymeric ions of effective molar mass Meff almost-equal-to (2.5-10)Mform(M) (Mform(M) is the ''formula'' molar mass of M) occur in the melts C2AS and CAS2. Number of types of the polyanions in the melts C2AS and CAS2, respectively, can be > 1. Ions Al3+ occur in the melts C2AS and CAS2 as well.
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Chemical Papers 47 (3) 169–174 (1993)