ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Infrared polarization reflectance spectra of the single crystal of natural natrolite
F. Pechar and D. Rykl
Institute of Geology and Geotechnics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,
CS-182 09 Prague
Abstract: Infrared polarization reflectance spectra of a single crystal of natural
natrolite were measured in a normal and parallel orientation to its crystallography c-axis. The spectra were monitored in the wavenumber range 20—2500 cm-1 under the normal p,T conditions.
From the corrected spectra, dispersion curves of the absorbance index,
of both components of the dielectric permittivity, index of refraction, and
molar absorption coefficient were calculated with the help of Kramers—Kronig theorem.
In various orientations of the crystal the reflectance spectra in the po
larized radiation (Rpll) do not differ significantly. This can be attributed to
the poor anisotropy of the crystal and to the superposition of the LO and
TO modes of vibrational bands. The dispersion curves respond in their
character to the theoretical prediction.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 425a631.pdf
Chemical Papers 42 (5) 631–639 (1988)