ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Theoretical study on the stereochemistry of bis(methylthio)methane, a model of dithioacetal segment in thiosaccharides
I. Tvaroška
Institute of Chemistry, Centre for Chemical Research,
Slovak Academy of Sciences, CS-842 38 Bratislava
Abstract: The stereochemistry of bis(methylthio)methane, a model of dithioacetal
segment in thiosaccharides, was studied by the semiempirical quantum chemical methods. PCILO method was applied for calculation of the conformational
map of rotation around the central С—S bonds. The geometry of stable
conformations sc,sc, sc,ар, and ар,ар was optimized by MNDO method. The
ratio of individual conformers in the isolated molecule, calculated on the basis
of MNDO energies, was 78:21:1. Influence of a solvent was calculated by the
procedure, which involved contributions of electrostatic and dispersion interactions and a cavity term. Contribution of electrostatic interactions was shown to
be the most conformationally dependent. Populations of conformers in dilute
solutions depend on a solvent character and the proportion of conformers with
the antiperiplanar positions of the methyl groups increases with the increasing
polarity of solvent. In methanol, for example, the proportion of conformers is
already 57:40:3, and in water 31:59:10; while sc,ар conformer was shown to
be the most stable. Comparison with the oxygen analogues revealed that both
anomeric and exoanomeric effects in dithioacetal segment are lower than in
acetal one.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 382a189.pdf
Chemical Papers 38 (2) 189–197 (1984)