ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Density of melts of the systems NaCI—KCl—SrCl2 and NaF—NaCI—SrCI2
P. Fellner, M. Chrenková-Paučírová, and I. Votava
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences,
809 34 Bratislava
Abstract: Temperature dependence of 2 ternary molten systems NaCl-KCl-SrCl2 and NaF-NaCl-SrCl2 were investigated. On the basis of
knowledge of density of boundary binary systems density of the ternary system was calculated.The agreement between exptl. and calcd. set of data is very good.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 353a321.pdf
Chemical Papers 35 (3) 321–326 (1981)