ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Separation of glycerol from NaCl by ionic retardation
A. Kopecký
Forschungsinstitut der Fettindustrie, Praha
Abstract: Acrylic acid was incorporated into anion exchanger S-8-TM to form a retardation resin which was used for the sepn. of glycerol from NaCl on a thermostated column. The vol. of the column was 100 ml., inner diam. 16 mm. The influence of the inlet size, temp., and compn. of the sepd. soln. on the sepn. efficiency was investigated. The sepn. degree, defined as the distance between 2 adjacent peaks on the elution curve, decreases with the inlet size at a const. temp. and increases with the temp. at const. inlet size. Favorable influence of the temp. is caused by the accelerated diffusion of NaCl into the bulk of resin particles. Finer grain size did not influence the sepn. degree but resulted in higher and narrower elution curves so that overlapping was smaller. Ratio and magnitude of concns. of the sepd. compds. influence the sepn. degree as well. At sufficiently high values of inlet size the 'concn. effect' was observed, i.e. the concn. of a component in certain eluate fractions exceeds the inlet value. This effect was ascribed to the mutual influence of the distribution ratios of the dissolved compds.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 204a274.pdf (in Czech)
Chemical Papers 20 (4) 274–280 (1966)