ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Copper complexes with organic ligands. II. Chemistry of ο-cresotinatocopper(II) complexes
J. Krätsmár-Šmogrovič, O. Hulková, B. Lučanská, and M. Bláhová
Komenský University,
Abstract: cf. preceding abstr. The o-cresotinatocopper(II) complexes were studied by preparative and spectrophotometric methods. Cu2A4(H2O)3 complex (I) (HA is o-cresotinic acid) was isolated from the system Cu2+ - A- - H2O according to reaction: 2[Cu-(H2O)4]2+ + 4A- → Cu2A4(H2O)3 + 5H2O. I is also formed by the interaction of ο-cresotinate ions on the equil. system of salicylatocopper(II) (HSal is salicylic acid) complexes contg., in aq. acid soln., the dihydrate of the bis(salicylato)diaquocopper-(11) complex. The binding of ο-cresotinate ions to Cu(II) complex is more stable than that those of salicylatocopper(II) complex ions. This is also true in the system of bis(salicylato)diaquocopper(II) complex-HA-EtOH, from which Cu2A4(H2O)-(EtOH) (II) was isolated according to reaction: 2[CuSal2)(H2O)2] + 4HA + EtOH → Cu2A4(H2O)(EtOH) + 4HSal + 3H2O. The study of the partial decompn. of I and II by heating for 10 h. at 100° and 20-30 torr has shown that the mol. ligands H2O and EtOH are more stable in the ο-cresotinate complex than in the salicylate complex. The ο-cresotinic acid was formed by the cleavage of a part of the bound ο-cresotinate ions. By the complete thermal decompn. of I, a well defined new compd. in the form of a chelate-forming ligand was detd. according to reaction: Cu2(A4)4(H2O)3 → Cu2(MeC6H3OCO2)A2 + HA + 3H2O.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 1912a892.pdf (in Slovak)
Chemical Papers 19 (12) 892–899 (1965)