ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Chemistry of ferrates. II. The preparation of potassium ferrate
J. Toušek and A. Toušková
Slovak Technical University,
Abstract: cf. C.A. 51, 7236d. When FeCl3 is oxidized with KClO in satd. KOH, according to equation 2FeCl3 + 3KClO + 10KOH = 2K2FeO4 + 9KCl + 5H2O, higher temps. speeds up the oxidation and cause a rapid decompn. of K2FeO4. The excess of KClO increases the yield of K2FeO4 and shortens the time required for max. concn. of K2FeO4 but the stability of K2FeO4 in the reaction mixt. is decreased by the formation of a great amt. of salts. The greatest yield of K2FeO4 is obtained at 30°, at 3 times excess of KClO and 15 min. reaction time. A simple method for prepn. of K2FeO4 is described.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 112a113.pdf (in Slovak)
Chemical Papers 11 (2) 113–118 (1957)