ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
The effect of sugar-beet molasses and its components on plant growth
J. Sítař
College of Agriculture, Brno
Abstract: Sugar-beet molasses (I) in lab. expts. gave these results: With concn. of 0.001-0.05%, the length of side-roots of peas was increased 71% and the wt. 62%. Similar tests with sucrose and amino acids show that the stimulating effect on growth of the roots is not solely nutritive. Germination was increased by 6-7% in seeds of radish, turnip, and cauliflower dipped into 0.1% soln. of I. Rooting of cuttings of black poplar was increased by 22% in 1-10% solns. of I to the greatest rooting index, 0.60%, at 1% soln. These tests were confirmed on peas. Only one cane-sugar molasses was tested and it showed an inhibitive rather than a stimulating effect. For agriculture and gardening I is recommended for stimulating seeds and vegetative multiplication but not for fertilization.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 78a523.pdf (in Slovak)
Chemical Papers 7 (8) 523–536 (1953)