ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
Preparation of Aluminium Oxide Aerogels
M. Chovancová, L. Števula, P Hudec, M. Zemanová, and M. Komenda
Department of Inorganic Technology, Faculty of Chemical Technology,
Slovak University of Technology, SK-812 31 Bratislava
Abstract: Aluminium oxide aerogels have been prepared by the sol-gel method by evacuation of the solvent
(sec-butyl alcohol) in an autoclave undeT hypercritical conditions (i.e. above the critical temperature
of the solvent 6C (sec-butanol) = 263°C). The starting material, aluminium sec-butoxide, has been
dissolved in sec-butanol and hydrolyzed with stoichiometric amount of water. The alcogel was
evacuated in an autoclave in the temperature range from 260 to 270 °C during 30—100 min. The
surface area of the prepared aerogels, measured by adsorption of N2, was extremely large, ranging
from 615 to 785 m2 g-1 This one-step process reduces the time required for the aerogel preparation,
works without additional washing and filtering of gels, and the prepared aerogels are more uniform
and pure.
Chemical Papers 51 (6A) 328–331 (1997)