ISSN print edition: 0366-6352
ISSN electronic edition: 1336-9075
Registr. No.: MK SR 9/7
Published monthly
On the use of Gaussian bond functions in ab initio calculations of the proton potential curves in hydrogen-bonded systems
M. Urban, S. Pavlik, and T. Kožár
Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Komenský University, 816 31 Bratislava
Abstract: The effect of extending the minimum contracted Gaussian basis by simple
Gaussian functions localized on hydrogen bond (bond-functions) upon potential curves of the H-bonded hydrogen in H20—OH- has been investigated. The
potential curves have been calculated for the 0(1)—0(2) distances equal to 4.5
and 4.75 a.u. As follows from the results, the extension of the basis by
bond-functions is a simple way to obtain more realistic potential curves in
comparison with those obtained by the use of the minimum basis.
Full paper in Portable Document Format: 312a165.pdf
Chemical Papers 31 (2) 165–170 (1977)